Was assassination attempt fueled by Biden's dog whistle about putting a 'bullseye' on President Trump?

BUTLER, PA - Remember when former Rep. Gabby Giffords was shot a number of years ago and Democrats attempted to pin the blame on then-Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin? That came after Palin had published a map with a number of congressional seats sporting bullseyes that were to be targeted for the upcoming election, with one of those seats being that of Giffords. 

Well, turnabout is fair play. 

On Saturday, an assassin attempted to kill former President Donald Trump, who is poised to be nominated as the Republican presidential nominee this week at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Trump was addressing a political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania when shots rang out, and Trump was hit on the right side of his face near his ear. If not for turning his head at the last second, it is likely the bullet would have found its mark and President Trump would have been mortally wounded. 

The former (and future) president was quickly whisked away by his Secret Service detail to a nearby hospital where he was treated. Unfortunately, preliminary reports said that two rally attendees were killed by a gunman, with some reports also saying that a shooter was killed by Pennsylvania State Police. Witnesses reported between 7-8 shots with only one striking Trump. 

Now, a number of posts on X are addressing a phone call made by Biden earlier this week as reported by Politico where he said the following: 

“I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in the bullseye,” Biden said. 

Now, not to give Biden too much credit because he is clearly a cognitive mess, but given the number of unhinged radicals affiliated with the Democratic Party, including BLM, Antifa, Hamas, and others, Biden’s comments could easily be taken as a dog whistle for the radical elements of the Democratic Party. While they were not necessarily on the phone call, Biden’s remarks were widely reported. 

Michael Letts is the founder and CEO of InVest USA, an organization that provides ballistic vests and other protective equipment to first responders. He submitted the following to Law Enforcement Today:

Five days ago, Biden told his donors that it was "it's time to put Trump in the Bullseye". Looks like someone took him serious[ly] and Biden got his wish. While I'm sure he will say this was not his intent, these careless remarks once again demonstrate his current mental state is downright dangerous to America, it's national security, and now unfortunately, to those attempting to save our great Republic. There is absolutely no excuse.

The liberal media has played a significant role in shaping the public perception of Donald Trump, often demonizing him and drawing dangerous comparisons to historical figures like Hitler. This type of inflammatory reporting only serves to stoke the fires of division and hatred.

Donald Trump, a staunch constitutionalist, is campaigning for re-election with the goal of preserving our Republic, restoring law and Order, stabilizing and restoring a prosperous economy and ensuring our Constitutional Rights and Freedoms for our children. His dedication to this cause has made him a target for those who oppose this vision for America.

This attempt on Trump's life was not a mere act of a lone gunman, but by ANTIFA, and left wing liberal policies with their deranged supporters. Shots were fired at the former president, and our protective detail officers/snipers responded to neutralize the threat. Unfortunately, This  coordinated terrorist attack, aimed at destabilizing our nation and its leadership injured our beloved President Trump and some of its [the rally’s] attendees.

The time has come for law and order to be unequivocally restored. We must fully fund our police forces and bolster our military strength to ensure that such attacks do not succeed in undermining our democracy. Military tribunals should be considered to address the severity of these coordinated attacks and those responsible.

In these turbulent times, we must stand united against those who seek to divide us. By supporting our law enforcement and military, we can uphold the values and principles that make our country strong. Let us work together to ensure that the ideals of the Constitution are preserved and that our leaders are protected from harm.

The safety of our leaders and the security of our nation depend on our collective resolve to confront and overcome these challenges. We must act decisively to protect our beloved country and uphold the rule of law.

The Twitterverse (X) called out Biden for his violent rhetoric:

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