Report: Biden administration has been operating a "secret" quasi-amnesty program for over 350,000 illegals

WASHINGTON, DC- Despite recent bloviating about “cracking down” on the porous southern border opened courtesy of his inept administration policies, the New York Post reports that the administration is (not so) secretly operating a program of “mass amnesty” for illegal aliens. 

Biden, who recently made the false claim that Republicans, at the behest of former President Donald Trump, had blocked a “bipartisan” border bill, has in fact secretly been operating a program where over 350,000 asylum cases filed by illegals since 2022 have been closed by the federal government if applicants do not have a criminal record or are deemed not to pose a threat to the country. 

That bill would have granted de facto citizenship to illegal aliens and also included a lot of pork barrel spending that had nothing to do with illegal aliens entering the country. There was no provision in the bill to resume construction of the border wall, started under the former president. 

By closing the cases, the illegals are not granted nor denied asylum, but rather their cases are “terminated without a decision on the merits of their asylum claim. Therefore, to quote the old Southwest Airlines commercial, they are “free to roam about the country.” They are removed from the legal system and are no longer required to check in with immigration authorities. 

“This is just a massive amnesty program under the guise of prosecutorial discretion,” said Andrew Arthur, a former immigration judge now working for the Center for Immigration Studies, an anti-immigration think tank. 

“You’re basically allowing people who don’t have a right who don’t have right to be in the United States to be here indefinitely,” he told the Post

“Please let everyone know what’s really going on,” an ICE officer, who asked to remain anonymous, told the outlet. 

During the Trump administration’s last year, 48,000 illegals were removed from the US by immigration judges, while fewer than 20,000 were granted asylum. 4,700 had their cases closed or were otherwise allowed to remain in the U.S., according to data collected by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse. 

In 2022, a memo issued by ICE’s principal legal advisor Kerry Doyle and seen by The Post directed agency prosecutors to dismiss cases for illegal aliens who were not deemed national security threats. 

That year saw 36,000 ordered removed, 32,000 were granted asylum, while 102,550 had their cases dismissed or removed from the books, an amount ten times more than that in 2014. 

In 2023, 149,000 cases were dismissed or otherwise removed from the books, and so far in 2024, the number is expected to beat that with 114,000 cases closed already this year. 

TRAC estimates that 77% of asylum seekers have been allowed to remain in the country since Biden assumed office in January 2021. That equals 499,000 of 648,000 who applied for asylum in the US during that time. And not all of those seeking asylum have done so under the standard process for claiming asylum. 

Currently, there is a backlog of 3.5 million asylum cases pending, while taking off 100,000 people for a year makes that number look more palatable, sources told The Post. 

Those whose cases are closed are no longer part of “removal proceedings” and therefore subject to deportation, which The Post calls the government’s “default” position for all illegals admitted at the border. 

A Washington, D.C.-based immigration lawyer told The Post that illegal aliens are under no obligation to leave the U.S. once their cases are dismissed, nor are they monitored by ICE, nor do they have to check in with ICE, unlike those still pursuing asylum claims. 

“If the case gets dismissed, you’re basically back to nothing,” the lawyer, Hector Quiroga, told The Post. He claims that those illegals with dismissed cases cannot currently receive benefits or a work permit. 

However Quiroga said that clients who have “horrible cases” are better off “than having an deportation order.” 

After their case is terminated, illegals can reapply for asylum or seek other means of legal status in the U.S. 

Among those options are applying for a family-based visa, employment-based visa, or other temporary protections such as Temporary Protected Status or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) “if they meet the eligibility requirements,” immigration lawyer Sergio Garcia told The Post. 

“Migrants whose asylum cases have been dismissed can approach US Citizenship and Immigration Services to explore other legal avenues to remain in the country,” Garcia continued. 

“It’s important for them to consult with an immigration attorney to identify the best options available for their specific situation.” 

The Post spoke to ICE officers under condition of anonymity, who told the outlet that they have identified an increase in cases of migrants committing crimes after their asylum cases have been closed. This requires a restart of removal proceedings which can and usually do take years. 

“If the migrants [whom] ICE no longer controls or monitors, commit crimes after the dismissal, ICE will have to start all over and issue a new Notice to Appear in court and start the clock all over again,” an ICE official told The Post. 

“It’s starting to increase,” a second ICE officer told The Post while pushing for added publicity over the issue. 

Yet a third ICE officer told The Post that it “happens all the time.” 

In May, the Biden administration offered a lame attempt to tighten things up at the border, including a rule that asylum claims must be resolved within 180 days for those illegals who list their final destination as Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, or New York CIty. 

With Biden’s poll numbers in the toilet and with stemming the border invasion a priority for a large swath of voters, he reversed his reversal of a Trump-era policy to limit border crossings, a move which Border Patrol agents call “way too little too late,” after over 10 million illegals have entered the country under his watch. 

The administration announced Tuesday that the border will be closed after illegal alien encounters hit 2,500 per day between official points of entry for seven consecutive days. This is the proverbial shutting the barn door after the horses have escaped, and is clearly political pandering at its most stark. 

Five border agents told The Post that Biden’s inaction for the past three and one-half years has already resulted in “irreparable damage to the country’s national security” and accused Biden of implementing the latest measure “for show.” 

Biden had recently complained that he was “powerless” to stem the invasion at the southern border without “congressional action.” Yet had he merely left the Trump-era policies in place, the border invasion would have been significantly mitigated. 

“That’s like trying to plug the leak on the TItanic with chewing gum,” one border agent said. “It’s way too little too late. He’s trying to act tough on the border, but we know he’s been the most open border administration ever,” he continued. 

Despite the tough talk being espoused by the administration, The Post says the new “crackdown” will still allow 1.75 million new arrivals to the US when the 2,500 a day (912,500 per year) are added to others permitted into the US via the CBP One phone app, and other “humanitarian” parole paths. 

The order is expected to take effect immediately, and once the 2,500 is triggered, the restrictions will be lifted two weeks after the number of illegal crossings averages 1,500 for seven consecutive days, according to senior administration officials. 

Aside from those who have crossed the border illegally via land routes, over 400,000 “migrants” from Haiti, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela have been flown into the US by the BIden administration under another parole program started by Biden. 

Speaking to Biden’s latest scheme to gaslight voters, another border agent slammed the new scheme. 

“What a joke. LIke that’s going to stop them. He can enact whatever he wants. Until we deport everyone that crosses or imprison them, it won’t stop,” the second agent said. 

A third border agent said, “It’s too little, too late. Nothing more than virtue signaling.” 

“That’s comical,” said a fourth border agent. “Millions are in [the US] now and it’s just now that they realize the number of crossings a day is a problem. The damage is done and now the administration wants to slowly close the valve on the floodgates.” 

In January, Biden insisted there was nothing he could do to “secure the border” despite he and his useless hack Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas had repeatedly insisted that the border was secure. Despite that, Biden said he “needs Congress” to approve border legislation to implement what he could do with a stroke of a pen. 

“Just give me the power. I’ve asked from the very day I got into office [when he reversed all Trump-era border policies],” he said at the time.“GIve me the Border Patrol, give me the people, the judges–give me the people who can stop this and make it work right.” 

The porous southern border is dogging Biden with the November elections only five months away, as polling shows American voters are overwhelmingly concerned with illegal immigration and enhanced border enforcement. 

Violent crime committed by illegals has been under increasing scrutiny, however none more so than the brutal rape and murder of 22-year-old Georgia college student Laken Riley in February, a horrific crime that took place in broad daylight. The suspect, an illegal alien named Jose Ibarra, pleaded not guilty last week. 

Clark County District Attorney Deborah Gonzalez is refusing to seek the death penalty in the case and instead is seeking a life sentence.

Here is her X page. As you can see, you can tell a person’s character by the company they keep. Would be a shame if she got lit up. 

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