Biden again threatens gun owners with F-16s, claims Second Amendment didn't allow founders to own cannons...again

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WASHINGTON, DC- Despite being fact-checked umpteen times on his ridiculous gun-grabbing claims, the demented dunderhead in the White House continues to bloviate ridiculous talking points to attack the Second Amendment. 

The Epoch Times reported Joe Biden was speaking to a bipartisan group of mayors attending the US Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting at the White House last week. Biden told the group they would play a large part in implementing his unconstitutional gun control policies, including his oft-repeated desire to ban “assault weapons,” otherwise known as black, scary-looking semi-automatic rifles. 

Biden claimed the American Rescue Plan allegedly spent $15 billion on infrastructure and public safety, saying that much of the money went to hiring and equipping police officers, instituting violence intervention programs, and funding other crime prevention initiatives. In fact, much of the money was used to hire far-left “progressive” prosecutors who release criminals as fast as the police can arrest them. 

“You’ve done a tremendous job putting those resources to work,” Biden claimed, apparently unaware of the crime problem still plaguing the country. “You know how to do it. Mayors are the people who get things done.” 

Biden then started to once again bloviate about pushing for an “assault weapons” ban. Biden claimed he helped the late Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) write the former ban, which was in place from 1994 until it sunsetted in 2004. 

Biden again made the oft-disproven claim that the ban reduced violent crime, including mass shootings. He said that serves as his motivation to push for the renewal of the policy. 

“My staff came to me and said, ‘We need a White House office dedicated to getting guns off the streets and treating the trauma from violence,” Biden claimed. 

We’ll take things that never happened for $1,000. Biden has long been obsessed with getting semi-automatic rifles off the streets, which is, in fact, step one to getting all guns out of the hands of lawful gun owners. 

“I’m still committed to banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines,” Biden continued. 

Biden then turned to his favorite gun control statement, claiming those who wrote the Second Amendment weren’t allowed to have a cannon. 

“When we passed the Second Amendment, guess what? You weren’t allowed to have a cannon.” 

That statement has been fact-checked ad nauseum, and even the far-left Washington Post has repeatedly given Biden four Pinocchios for repeating the lie. 

Historians have also debunked Biden’s statement, according to the Austin American-Statesman. 

“It seems highly unlikely that there were restrictions on private ownership” of cannons, said Julie Ann Sweet, a historian and director of military studies at Baylor University. 

“I am not aware of any ban on any arm in colonial America,” said David Kopel, research director and Second Amendment project director at the Independence Institute. “I am not aware of a ban on any arm in colonial America. There were controls on people or locations, but not bans on types of arms,” he said. 

Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law professor at George Washington University, also said in a post on X that Biden’s statement was false. 

“The President just repeated the false statement that when the Second Amendment was ratified, ‘you couldn’t own a cannon.’ The suggestion that the Second Amendment was viewed as limited types of gun ownership, even cannons, is false.” 

Biden then went to another statement he often likes to use as he continued to blather. 

“You’ve heard, ‘the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots?’ Guess what, man? I didn’t see a whole lot of patriots out there walking around making sure that we have these weapons. If you really want to worry about the government, you need an F-16. You don’t need an AR-15,” Biden said, drawing laughter from the ignoramus mayors in the audience. 

As always, Biden got it wrong. The accurate quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William Stephens Smith, son-in-law of John Adams, actually said:

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” [emphasis added] 

Biden’s statement about F-16s in the possession of a rogue government is precisely why citizens need to have the right to keep and bear arms. Second Amendment scholars say that the Second Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights because the Founders believed it necessary to prevent the citizenry from a rogue, overbearing government. 

For example, the National Constitution Center notes that the Second Amendment was intended “to leave citizens with the ability to defend themselves against unlawful violence. Such threats might come from usurpers of governmental power…” [emphasis added]

The NRA_ILA writes that “the Founding Fathers felt that citizens should be able to protect themselves against the government and any other threat to their wellbeing or personal freedom.” [emphasis added

Meanwhile, Hillsdale College said the reasoning behind the amendment is clear and has never been disputed. 

“Many of the revolutionary generation believed standing armies were dangerous to liberty. Militias made up of citizen-soldiers, they reasoned, were more suitable to the character of republican government.


“Expressing a widely held view, Elbridge Gerry remarked in the debate over the first militia bill in 1789 that ‘whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia.” 

The intent of the Second Amendment is apparent in the preface: Militias are necessary for the security of a free state. 

“Free state,” in this case, means “a non-tyrannical or non-despotic state.” 

Biden’s laughable F-16 statement is actually more of a threat than an off-the-cuff remark, especially given this administration’s propensity to target political opponents. An unarmed populace isn’t a threat to government despots. 

The Rand Corporation conducted a study in 2020 that was updated in 2023, which found there was limited evidence that “high-capacity magazine” bans had any significant impact on mass shootings. Likewise, it found inconclusive evidence that banning so-called “assault weapons” had any significant impact on incidents of mass shootings. 

Biden has attempted to circumvent Congress (a regular occurrence in his administration) utilizing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, passed in June 2022. Biden touted the act as “the first gun safety law in 30 years.” 

Biden has used that act as a springboard to issue numerous executive orders and has directed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to implement knee-jerk rules and regulations designed to tie the hands of gun dealers and owners. He also established the “White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention” last September, headed by the “border czar” Kamala Harris. Given her “success” at the border, perhaps gun owners don’t have anything to worry about. 

All of this proves that Biden is clueless when it comes to the issue of firearms. Despite repeatedly being fact-checked, Biden continues to lie about guns and threaten gun owners with ridiculous comments about F-16s. Perhaps it is time to take these comments seriously instead of as the bloviating of a senile old man. 

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This 🐴🤡 is going to have his existence cut short by the very thing he’s threatening to take, once an American and pro-2A advocate has had enough. I don’t want it, because he may become a martyr, but I could see it happening.


One worthless President


One worthless President


Someone should remind oatmeal-for-brains that the military cannot be used for law enforcement purposes which definitely leads one to believe he is not fit and should be removed from office. And I agree with Joe ("J"not Biden).


" You weren’t allowed..." And therein is the whole problem with the leftists: They actually believe that we are allowed to exercise our rights by the U.S. Constitution; that we are GRANTED our rights by the government. That is why leftists don't understand Americans and can't be Americans. Statists is actually the proper word for them.

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