BOSTON, MA - Just five months after the Commonwealth of Massachusetts gave a virtual middle finger to veterans and their families who planned on attending the Army-Navy football game at Gillette Stadium, Democrat Gov. Maura Healey has struck again.
It is reported by Breitbart that Boston officials, likely encouraged by Healey, intend to turn over the Chelsea Soldiers' Home to house more of Joe Biden's illegal immigrants as the city and Commonwealth continue to struggle to accommodate illegal immigrants swarming into the country under the Biden administration.
According to Healey’s office, current shelters are “over capacity,” so the next location on the hit list is the Soldiers’ Home.
The City of Boston, led by incompetent freshman mayor Michelle Wu, plans to house approximately 100 families at the facility. The city has imposed a requirement that any illegals who apply to stay at city shelters avail themselves of taxpayer-funded state programs that “transition them out of state assistance.” Read that again–they need to apply for state programs to help them transition…out of state assistance. Only in a liberal state.
“We have said for months now that our system is at capacity, and we do not have the space, providers, or funding to continue expanding,” Emergency Assistance Director Scott Rice said, as reported by the Boston Herald. “This new certification policy is a responsible step to address the capacity constraints at our safety-net sites. Families will need to demonstrate that they’ve taken action to get on a path toward independence and out of shelter.”
Breitbart reports that applicants must seek work or participate in other training programs. However, Boston may be spinning its wheels as hundreds more are reported to be headed to the city.
City and state officials have been struggling to find ways to house Biden’s illegals, with Healey at one time making the absurd suggestion to have private citizens take unvetted illegal aliens into their homes. As we’ve seen in cities like New York and Portland, Oregon, what could possibly go wrong?
Wu and Healey were slammed by residents of the predominantly black neighborhood of Roxbury when the city shut down a community center there to use as a shelter for people who shouldn’t be in the country, to begin with. Healey was also criticized for housing illegals at Boston’s Logan International Airport.
In February, the Commonwealth reported it is on track to spend one billion…with a “B”...dollars to feed illegal aliens by 2025.
In October, veterans groups were livid after hotel rooms that had been booked by attendees planning to attend the annual Army-Navy game at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough were instead given to illegal aliens.
Healey was forced to declare a state of emergency due to the onslaught of illegals going to the Bay State from the southern border. Under the Commonwealth’s “right to shelter” law, homeless families with children must be provided shelter. Hence, the veterans and their families being kicked out of their hotel rooms.
When questioned about the situation, Healey tried to deflect blame to the hotels.
"I am very distressed to learn that any veteran may have been moved from a hotel who had booked a hotel for that game. As I understand it, those decisions were made by area hotels.,” she told Fox 25 News in Boston.
363 days ago | Comment by: CRAIG
Commonwealth’s “right to shelter” law DOES NOT apply to citizens. From Healey - To our veterans, thank you for your service, now get out of here.
363 days ago | Comment by: Byron
Well, as a Marine Corps Vietnam combat Veteran, I now have a destination I will no longer visit; even though it means giving up great lobster. The bridge disaster is sad and I would like to support the Boston economy. Not possible, with Healey giving the Chelsea Soldiers' Home to other than veterans, I will not buy anything from Boston or visit. Healey's choice, not mine.
363 days ago | Comment by: Joseph G
Byron, I respect and agree that no more of my hard earned $$ will go to the Peoples Commonwealth of Massachusetts. But I’m going to get my lobster from Maine!!
363 days ago | Comment by: Donald
Like I've said before, my fervent wish is to be made God for just five minutes. All the time I need to remedy the myriad of crises around the globe, starting with a wholesale and permanent removal of EVERY Liberal, Woke Progressive, Antifa, statue destroying cry-baby, whiney-butts, etc., etc., etc. in this country... after all the illegal aliens in this country have been herded with strap-happy cowboys on horseback southbound across the southern border. THEN, in the remaining 4.5 minutes, I'll cure every disease ever been and rid the world of hunger, avarice, greed, corrupt despots, stupidity, and incompetence. All in a day's work for the good of mankind!!!
363 days ago | Comment by: Donald
Like I've said before, my fervent wish is to be made God for just five minutes. All the time I need to remedy the myriad of crises around the globe, starting with a wholesale and permanent removal of EVERY Liberal, Woke Progressive, Antifa, statue destroying cry-baby, whiney-butts, etc., etc., etc. in this country... after all the illegal aliens in this country have been herded with strap-happy cowboys on horseback southbound across the southern border. THEN, in the remaining 4.5 minutes, I'll cure every disease ever been and rid the world of hunger, avarice, greed, corrupt despots, stupidity, and incompetence. All in a day's work for the good of mankind!!!
362 days ago | Comment by: Sally
A good friend and fellow church member lives there. I'm sure he's not too pleased with this development. He's not in a position to go apartment-hunting for a place with attached medical facilities for his needs. Healey and Wu: "The veterans are old, anyway, so they are no longer of any value to society. Let them die so they'll be out of our way." This was the attitude of those highway-blocking protestors who barricaded themselves in the middle of I-93 in January 2015. Some people died because ambulances couldn't get through - "They were going to die anyway" was the quote of one such dolt.
362 days ago | Comment by: DS
VERY WRONG.................. No one wants to live around people with tuberculosis and filthy bodies... they are bringing in Chicken Pox, Syphilis, aides, mumps, measles, etc... what a disgusting thing BIDEN has done to OUR country.
362 days ago | Comment by: DS
362 days ago | Comment by: Jim
The clowns have their priorities confused Are they looking for another Tea party?
362 days ago | Comment by: Laurence
This is an outrage! Housing criminal illegals in a building designed for honorable veterans? How about using it to house homeless veterans, who deserve the shelter?
361 days ago | Comment by: Robert
Old Chelsea Soldiers Home to become safety-net site The latest shelter will open in April at the former Chelsea Soldiers Home, which is currently vacant and scheduled to be demolished. The state opened a new veterans home in Chelsea in December, replacing the old facility that was the site of a COVID outbreak that killed 31 residents.
361 days ago | Comment by: Robert
Old Chelsea Soldiers Home to become safety-net site The latest shelter will open in April at the former Chelsea Soldiers Home, which is currently vacant and scheduled to be demolished. The state opened a new veterans home in Chelsea in December, replacing the old facility that was the site of a COVID outbreak that killed 31 residents.
361 days ago | Comment by: Robert
Old Chelsea Soldiers Home to become safety-net site The latest shelter will open in April at the former Chelsea Soldiers Home, which is currently vacant and scheduled to be demolished. The state opened a new veterans home in Chelsea in December, replacing the old facility that was the site of a COVID outbreak that killed 31 residents.
361 days ago | Comment by: Robert
Old Chelsea Soldiers Home to become safety-net site The latest shelter will open in April at the former Chelsea Soldiers Home, which is currently vacant and scheduled to be demolished. The state opened a new veterans home in Chelsea in December, replacing the old facility that was the site of a COVID outbreak that killed 31 residents.
358 days ago | Comment by: Lynn
Sports are nothin' but "bread and circus" to me, BUT, it is clear this nation is under an invasion, and the current WH resident seems to be striving for civil war, though this one won't be "civil." It is being set up for citizens to oppose unimpeded (overly-entitled) invaders. China Joe (under Obama's direction) is doing his best to emasculate and disarm our military.