Closed border? Biden reportedly planning a path to citizenship for potentially 1.1 million illegal aliens

WASHINGTON, DC - And to think some people actually fell for it. Earlier this month, Joe Biden announced that he was signing an executive order to “control” the southern border.

A cursory examination of that order showed that it was basically smoke and mirrors. Now, five people familiar with internal administration discussions told CBS News that the administration is looking at a move that would “unlock temporary legal status and possibly a path to American citizenship for hundreds of thousands” of illegal aliens living in the U.S. illegally. 

The scheme would provide work permits and deportation protections to certain illegal aliens through the immigration parole authority. The only caveat is they must have spouses who are American citizens. Sounds like the hatching of a whole new cottage industry of spouses for hire. Maybe that could address Biden’s unemployment rate problem. 

That policy, called “parole in place,” would possibly make beneficiaries eligible for permanent U.S. residency and possibly citizenship, helping illegals clear blockades in U.S. law. 

The five sources, who all spoke to CBS under condition of anonymity, includes two current U.S. officials, two former officials, and a congressional official. They said final details of the plan have not yet been approved nor finalized. 

The sources told CBS the scheme would likely “benefit longtime undocumented” illegal aliens who have been living in the United States illegally for years, if not decades. It would not include recent arrivals. 

White House spokesperson Angelo Hernandez Fernandez, in a statement to CBS, said officials “continue to explore a series of policy options, and we remain committed to taking action to address our broken immigration system.” 

The move is the latest by Biden to circumvent U.S. immigration law and reverse policies put in place by former President Donald Trump. Since Biden was sworn in on January 20, 2021, an estimated eight million-plus illegal aliens have crossed into the United States from all over the world, including a number of individuals on the terror watch list. 

The latest move was first reported by the Wall Street Journal in April, which blamed “decades of congressional gridlock” for the current invasion at the southern border. Conversely under the Trump administration, border crossings were reduced significantly. Among Biden’s first acts as president was to reverse every one of Trump’s border policies, yet somehow he lays blame for the alien invasion on Republicans. 

The parole plan hatched by the administration could possibly benefit a “significant number” of the current illegal alien population in the country. It is estimated that there are 11 million “undocumented” foreigners in the country, however some have put that estimate much higher. Out of the 11 million, advocacy group Fwd.US estimates 10% have spouses who are U.S. citizens, or 1.1 million. 

Should the administration unilaterally implement this plan without congressional authorization, it is certain Republican-led states will challenge it. Moreover, based on prior rulings, it is likely it could be overturned by the Supreme Court, although Biden has shown he doesn’t care what the high court says and he has defied at least two of their rulings, one on student loans and one on freezing evictions during the COVID pandemic. In both cases, SCOTUS ruled that Biden overstepped his authority. Yet Biden ignored those rulings. 

The move to again step around Congress appears to be political in nature. Biden has shown he is more interested in pandering to his radical base than getting control of the border. This move is designed to appeal to Hispanic voters, where Biden is bleeding support. A CNN poll shows that Biden has gone from a 27 point lead over Trump with Hispanics in 2020 to only seven points currently. 

Biden’s move, just like his student loan forgiveness scheme, is meant to shore up what his handlers believe is his base, young college graduates and Hispanics. Biden, however, may be barking up the wrong tree. 

According to the New York Post, an Axios and Ipsos poll released in April showed 42% of Hispanic Americans support building a border wall along the U.S-Mexico border, a 12 percentage point jump from December 2021. Thirty-eight percent also supported sending illegals back to their home countries, a 10 point jump from three years prior. 

Moreover, the same poll found an astounding 64% of Hispanic Americans surveyed would support giving the president the authority to shut the border if too many illegals entered the country. That same survey found illegal immigration was the third-biggest concern among Hispanic voters.  

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democrats violate our laws to destroy America for terrorists.


In my opinion that comes straight from Hussein Obama.

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