CT town refuses to fly 'Thin Blue Line' Flag surrounding officer's funeral— yet the Transgender Flag flies at half-staff

Wethersfield, CT— The city council of Wethersfield, CT became a center of controversy Thursday when funeral services held for fallen Connecticut State Trooper Aaron Pelletier were marred by the council voting against flying the 'thin blue line' flag and condemning it as "associated with hate," and saying it "represents racism and antagonism." Instead, the flags already flying, the American Flag, the Connecticut Flag, and a 'Pride' flag were flown at half-staff.

According to reporting from local outlet WTNH, the town council, currently led by Democrats debated whether to fly the 'thin blue line' flag following a proposal from Council member Rich Bailey (R). The vote failed along party lines with the three Republicans voting in favor, and five Democrats voting against, with one abstention.

“In my home, [the flag] means police, and they protect us, and they are our first line of defense,” Bailey told reporters. “They always are, and they’re always here, and they’re always for us.”

However, Democrat Councilwoman Emily Zambrello argued against him claiming the flag which predates the #BlackLivesMatter movement, "represents racism and antagonism to many, many people," she quipped, "and if you don’t personally believe that, and you fly at your own house and you think it means something to you, that is much more positive.”  She added, "It’s just not how many people feel about it. It’s not appropriate to raise it over our town hall, especially when our flag policy prohibits us from doing anything associated with hate."

Trooper Pelletier, 34, was killed by a hit-and-run driver while he was conducting a traffic stop. by Alex Oyola-Sanchez, 44, who according to The Daily Mail has since been charged with 2nd degree manslaughter with a motor vehicle, in addition to operating while intoxicated, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, failure to drive in the proper lane, and evading police resulting in death.
  The Mayor of Wethersfield Ken Lesser told WTNH that council members proposed to fly a first responders flag instead but said "that was not acceptable to the author of the motion." Bailey told reporters though,  “All we are doing is trying to respect a fallen police officer.”

Lesser told reporters “The first responder’s flag recognizes all of the first responders — police, fire, emergency management. The Blue Line flag was designed for police officers and goes back…well over 100 years, but now again it has been used by white supremacists, and many police groups have disavowed that flag.”

However many commentators have disagreed. Chaya Raichik of Libs of Tiktok shared the story to X with the comment, "UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLE Democrats in CT voted against flying the American blue line flag to honor fallen officer Aaron Pelletier who was kiIIed in the line of duty. Instead they flew the pride flag at half staff to honor him. The pride flag. I have no words. This is disgraceful."
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In MInnesota, the widow of an officer requested that the governor not attend her husband funeral because of his lack of respect for police. Too bad that could not have been publicly announced here to the city council before the services.


Here's a couple of suggestions. 1. Everyone who loves police flies a blue line flag or puts a blue line sticker on their mailbox. 2. Everyone that hates police fly a rainbow or blm flag. 3. Vote a new town rule that police respond only where they are wanted. Prediction: The problem will solve itself given enough time.


Great idea and now I'm going to buy the thin blue line flag and fly it in front of my house. I live in this crappy state and we're now the eastcoast version of Commiefornia!


I agree totally. Great suggestion


And they wonder why people kill each other here's a perfectly good example This broad is a nut and should be committed to a mental hospital The thin blue does not mean hate The thin blue line is to honor our police !


My state is disgraceful and it makes me sick to live here , we're the eastcoast version of Commiefornia. I've been pestering my wife for years to leave for a red state!!


Come to Texas. We respect America and are proud to be a free American


I have no idea why so many people think cops are special they are just like any other Human working to make a living nothing special.


Next time you need help call Joe Blow down the street. Police shouldn't even bother with people like you


This what is wrong with our country, no respect for anyone except their self. Kids are learning disrespect from the adults. So when America Is communist maybe then everyone will look back and have remorse. I left radical Wa. State were God is basically been forgotten. I moved to Texas where people are proud to be American and free.


This what is wrong with our country, no respect for anyone except their self. Kids are learning disrespect from the adults. So when America Is communist maybe then everyone will look back and have remorse. I left radical Wa. State were God is basically been forgotten. I moved to Texas where people are proud to be American and free.

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