Wondering what's up with all of these cyber attacks? What if we told you it could be to target your family? (Op-ed)

GENEVA- As we learned just a few years ago, a government or groups of governments intent on imposing their will on a feckless population is far easier to pull off than many could have imagined.

Many people wondered how a monster like Adolf Hitler could convince millions of his compatriots that they were the master race and that Jews were responsible for society’s ills. The COVID-19 pandemic showed that it isn’t as difficult as one might think.

Over the past couple of years and mainly behind the scenes, the powerful elite in organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF) has been warning of a large-scale “global cyberattack,” described as a “COVID-like global cyber pandemic that will spread faster and further than a biological virus, with an equal or greater economic impact.”

In a piece written by Dr. Joseph Mercola, he warns of disturbing proposals being floated to respond to such a cyber-pandemic.

In 2021, coincidentally, amid the COVID outbreak, ten nations conducted an exercise that simulated a cyberattack that brought down the global financial system.

The participants proposed several solutions, including emergency liquidity assistance to banks, a globally coordinated bank holiday (bank shutdowns), debt repayment grace periods, and perhaps most alarmingly, “a coordinated delinking from major currencies.”

The latter would entail replacing currencies like the dollar, the pound sterling, and the euro with a central bank digital currency, or digital money.

Think Bitcoin but in the hands of a central government. Mercola warns that if an actual cyberattack did occur on the financial system, it is quite likely this is what would happen.   

How likely is this to happen? Actually, it already has, albeit on a smaller scale. In 2020, the SolarWInds supply chain was targeted by hackers who installed malware through an infected SolarWinds Orion software update.

That hack infected 30,000 public and private organizations, including local, state, and federal agencies. Mercola wrote that breach is believed to be the most significant such breach to date.

What is the end game of going to such a digital currency? It is, Mercola theorizes, “to eliminate anonymity on the web under the auspices of ‘preventing cybercrime,’ and to impose extreme centralization of the internet for information control.”

What would such an attack look like? According to experts, an effective cyberattack could target life-saving medical devices, energy grids, government IT systems, global financial systems, water treatment facilities, and military and defense infrastructure.

The WEF warned in June 2020, only months after the COVID outbreak, that the world must prepare itself for an “inevitable global cyber attack,” defined as a “COVID-like global cyber-pandemic that will spread faster and further than a biological virus, with an equal or greater economic impact.”

We have seen firsthand in the United States the economic impact COVID had on our country. While we were recovering nicely initially, policies enacted by Biden and the Democrats have led to runaway inflation, escalating mortgage rates, and a housing crisis. The possibility that a “cyber-pandemic” would prove more devastating to our economy should serve as a wake-up call.

In November 2020, the WEF teamed up with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a left-of-center foreign policy think tank, and produced a report warning that the global economic system was not keeping up with the growing threat of cyber threats.

The two organizations called for “greater coordination between government and industry, and for nations to cooperate more directly and intimately, rather than drafting a new treaty on international cybercrime.

Out of all the proposals put forth during the multinational simulation, delinking from major currencies in favor of a digital currency is the most daunting.

Most people have heard of “The Great Reset,” touted by leftists such as George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates.

Central to that proposal is a central digital currency, and some, such as former Pfizer executive Mike Yeadon, Ph.D., believe the simulation “was a front for a planned financial reset in which most people will lose their financial assets,” Mercola wrote. That would fulfill the promise of the WEF that people “will own nothing by 2030.”

Lest you think the WEF is not pure evil, the organization also facilitated the Cyber Polygon exercises in 2020 and 2021. The 2020 simulation involved a cyberattack on the global financial system. “Solutions” included:
  •        A movement toward digital identity schemes, which the WEF has previously stated will determine “what products,services and information we can access—or conversely, what is closed off to us.”
  •        “Fake news” would be identified as a “digital pandemic” that people need to be shielded from
  •        Strengthen public-private partnerships and collaboration
  •        Increase consolidation of corporate and state resources
  •        Target cryptocurrencies, particularly those that offered transactional anonymity and the infrastructure used by them.  
In other words, the solutions posited by the WEF involved more government surveillance of the citizenry. In contrast, the collaboration between the government and the private sector (think Facebook and Twitter during the 2020 election) would put unelected elites in the position of being decision-makers.

This is nothing less than a power grab.

Several large-scale cyberattacks targeting the financial sector have occurred over the past several years, including a 2016 attack on a bank in Bangladesh.

In 2020, a ransomware attack on BancoEstado, one of Chile’s largest banks, caused it to shut down all branches, albeit temporarily.

Then there are attacks on the healthcare sector. Before Obamacare, most medical records were reduced to paper. However, now, with digital health records and the sharing of such records across numerous institutions, hacking of people’s personal healthcare records has become vogue.

This month, Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc., based in California, had to shut down some patient services, including outpatient medical imaging and blood draw services, after being victimized by a cyber breach. Some hospitals and clinics likewise had to revert to paper records.

What are the WEF and the other global elites trying to do? Mercola writes that Whitney Webb, an investigative journalist, believes she knows the end game. It is to:
  •        Eliminate anonymity on the web under the guise of “preventing cybercrime” and
  •        To impose extreme centralization of the internet for the purpose of information control
Webb also writes that WEF partners are pushing to “end privacy and the potential for anonymity on the internet, in general, by linking government-issued IDs to internet access.”

Such a policy would enable governments to spy on citizens without a warrant and view all online content under the guise of preventing “criminal activity” online.

Moreover, due to the broad definition of “cybercriminal” put forth by the WEF, anything deemed to be “disinformation” that poses a threat to “democratic governments” could be labeled “cybercrime.”

Webb said the alliance between the WEF and the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC) is being touted as a “main solution” to the believed upcoming “cyber pandemic” and would hold a “shared narrative” against cybercrime.

That alliance would “unite law enforcement agencies, cybersecurity firms, banks and other large corporations and [unknown] ‘stakeholders’” in an unholy coalition ostensibly to prevent cybercrime.

That alliance would, however, require legislation to allow law enforcement agencies and government regulators to combine their operations with the private sector, including organizations and entities meant to be overseen, regulated, and prosecuted by law enforcement for wrongdoing.

If you’re under the illusion that such an alliance is a distant wish, that is not the case, as seen with the current consolidation of banks into giant behemoths such as Bank of America, Capital One, Chase, and others. Webb believes the next step will be merging the remaining banks “with regulators and insurance agencies, forming this new ‘cyber utility’ entity.”

“Many organizations that are related to or are formally part of WEF-PAC are deeply invested in Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) as well as efforts to digitalize and thus more easily control nearly every sector of the global economy and to regulate the internet.”

Remember, the ruling class convinced a large sector of the American public that paper masks worked, and the jab stopped the virus in its tracks.

Today, one can still see gullible people dutifully putting on their face masks whenever they exit their bubble and go into public. Webb believes a similar tactic will be used in justifying the central currency.

“Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that many of these groups may look to justify regulations and other measures that will advance these agendas in which they have long-term ‘strategic interests’ through the promotion of a ‘shared narrative’ that is deemed most palatable to the general public, but not necessarily based on fact…”

Webb writes that with the WEF heavily invested in promoting the “Great Reset,” the “global cyber utility could emerge sooner rather than later.”

She warns that if that organization was established, it “could usher in long-standing efforts to require a digital ID to access and use the internet and eliminate the ability to conduct anonymous financial transactions.

Both policies would advance the overarching goal of both the WEF and many corporations and governments to usher in a new age of unprecedented surveillance of ordinary citizens.”

Worse yet, it would give that organization control over what someone could (or could not) purchase, such as firearms, cars, cable channels, etc.

Maybe George Orwell wasn’t so far off after all.
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