Denver, which cut police and fire budget, issues 'playbook' for handling illegal immigrants, calls them 'newcomers'

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DENVER, CO - Democrat leaders in Denver, Colorado have issued a playbook designed to instruct city governments on how to cope with large floods of illegal immigrants being sent to them by the Department of Homeland Security under Biden Administration policy. Euphemistically this document refers to illegal immigrants who have criminally entered the US as "newcomers."

According to Fox News, the 15-step "playbook" from the Denver City Government outlines what it considers to be best practices and processes for managing the crisis of a large, rapid influx of homeless, indigent, and often unemployed illegal aliens, wholly dependent on taxpayer-funded handouts. Under the leadership of the current Mayor Democrat Mike Johnston, Denver has brutally slashed its police budget by approximately $8.4 million and has even cut funding to the Denver Fire Department.

The "Newcomers Playbook: A Guide to Welcoming Newcomers into Your City," says in the introduction, "Our efforts include helping people with onward travel as needed, offering temporary shelter, facilitating the search for permanent housing, and providing vital support in terms of medical and mental health, work authorization, legal assistance, school enrollment, and more."

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert shared a tweet to X criticizing the document Tuesday writing, "Denver officials have just released a 22-page 'Newcomers Playbook: A Guide to Welcoming Newcomers into Your City'. This is a guide that tells other cities how to follow the Denver model of bringing illegals into a city. I wish I was joking, but this is reality. We need to vote out everyone in government who refers to illegal alien criminal invaders as “newcomers” and do so quickly. Our nation is being stolen from us and they’re complicit."

In response, Johnston engaged in an attack on Boebert's character rather than defend his policy

In a statement, Johnston claimed the guide is to provide cities with the tools they need to help the illegal immigrants "regardless of how they entered the country." He added, "We're proud this playbook will help newcomers resettle in cities with more opportunities, help cities across the country successfully welcome newcomers and reinvigorate workforces."

A sampling of the document's guidance as reported by Fox News includes:
  • The creation of a "newcomer monetary fund through a foundation," in order to provide "rapid housing assistance," as well as work authorization application assistance.
  • The creation of the "Denver Asylum Seekers Program," for 1,000 illegal immigrants in the city's shelters to seek asylum status.
  • Connecting "newcomers" with "an innovative pre-work authorization readiness program called ‘WorkReady.’"
  • "Access to language instruction, career pathway exploration, industry-recognized credential training and work-based learning opportunities."

As earlier noted, these programs all have come through the reduction of vital services by the city of Denver and at the direct expense of the taxpayers. In total, the outlet reported that almost $46 million would be cut from the budget to help fund a  $90 million package benefitting the illegal immigrants.

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What Denver doing for the homeless US Citizens? Also why is Denver putting US Citizens in back of the line? This has to stop now.

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