'Dignity is on the ballot?' Check out Biden's latest appointee as deputy communications director

WASHINGTON, DC - Remember back, oh, three or so years ago, when fake doctor and first lady Jill Biden said her senile rock of a husband Joe Biden was going to “restore dignity to the White House," and that "dignity is on the ballot?” Since then, we have been treated to a deputy surgeon general and fake admiral who is a man pretending to be a woman, a fake woman who flashed her breasts at a White House event, someone who worked in the Department of Energy’s nuclear program who is a gender-confused airport luggage thief, and another cross-dressing gender-confused loon featured in a White House video with the White House spokesperson. 

Now, the administration has hired a former Interior Department communications director as associate communications director at the White House, Fox News Digital reports.

Tyler Cherry was announced as assuming the position (no pun intended) this past week, Politico reported. Last year, some old social media posts surfaced where he slammed law enforcement and promoted the Russia collusion hoax. 

“Praying for #Baltimore, but praying even harder for an end to a capitalistic police state motivated by explicit and implicit racial biases,” Cherry posted as Baltimore was amidst riots after the death of Freddy Gray while in Baltimore Police Department custody. 

“Apt [sic] time to recall that the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs,” he wrote in a separate post months later. 

Sounds charming. 

Cherry has also asked for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to be abolished as well in 2018. 

In 2014, Cherry was posting pro-Palestine (Hamas) posts on social media during the Gaza War where Palestinian forces led by Hamas launched hundreds of rockets into Israel, to which Israel understandably responded by pummeling Gaza with airstrikes and a ground invasion. 

“Cheersing [sic] in bars to ending the occupation of palestine–no shame and fuck your glares #ISupportGaza #FreePalestine,” Cherry said in an X post on July 25, 2014. 

Cherry is also (obviously) anti-Republican Party, writing in 2017 that conservatives were focused on “white grievance politics.” 

“The Tea Party was never about the debt/deficit but about racism and white grievance politics,” he wrote on X. 

The White House seems unconcerned by Cherry’s apparent radicalism (and freakish choice of wardrobe). In a statement to Fox News Digital, senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said, “We’re very proud to have Tyler on the team.” 

"Dignity is on the ballot," we guess. 

Cherry will work primarily on pushing the administration’s climate change hysteria and is taking over for Maria Michalos, who will start Yale Law School in August. 

Of course, Libs of TikTok did not disappoint in digging up aton of Cherry’s previous X posts:

More dignity:

Dignity on steroids:

Cherry trying to cover for his past posts:

Still more dignity:

You think Putin, Xi, and Rocket Man are quaking in their boots with this crowd running the country? 

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Par for the course in the Biden/Obama administration! Not surprising since Barack Obama's "wife" is a transgendered male, formerly Michael LaVaughn Robinson!!


lolol Dems don't believe what they see. Oh wait they watch CNN and they block it

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