For anyone paying attention for the past three years plus, the situation at the US-Mexico border is not merely a case of gross incompetence. Instead, it seems evident that the crisis was not an accident but was overtly intentional. Now, confidential documents confirm precisely that.
According to Townhall, a lawsuit filed by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) against the Department of Homeland Security alleged that the agency mothballed the 287(g) program, which assists in the deportation of known criminals, specifically those who are child rapists, attempted murderers, assailants, carjackers, and others.
The program allowed local law enforcement agencies, in collaboration with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), to capture illegal criminal aliens. The illegals would then be turned over to federal officials for arrest and deportation. Ironically, the program ended in January 2021–right after Biden was installed as president. ICE didn’t say why the program was ended.
“It is ironic that the Biden administration insists it is ‘the most transparent in history’ when, in reality, it has repeatedly attempted to change immigration laws without congressional authorization and then tried to hide the evidence of its misdeeds from the American public,” IRLI Director of Investigations Matt O’Brien said.
In September 2023, IRLI filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to ICE, seeking internal documents regarding suspending the 287(g) program. As has become typical for federal agencies under the aforementioned “most transparent [administration] in history,” the agency failed to respond within the required 20 days. In fact, ICE authorities still have not responded five months later.
IRLI Executive Director Dale Wilcox noted that cooperation between federal and local law enforcement agencies “makes our communities safer,” noting that “this administration [Biden] wants to limit that effort.”
“There is no benefit to this country or its legal residents by keeping criminal aliens in the country, yet it appears to be a priority of this White House. The American people own those emails, yet we are not allowed to see them because it might embarrass this administration and expose their extremist agenda,” Wilcox said in a statement.
Townhall noted that 23 agreements between local law enforcement agencies and ICE were supposed to go into effect before the administration suspended the program. ICE has 287(g) relationships with nearly 140 law enforcement agencies nationwide.
Biden, who has overseen an invasion of an estimated 10 million or more illegals into the United States in less than three years, refuses to call that invasion at the southern border a crisis.
Last Saturday, Biden was on the South Lawn of the White House and a reporter asked him if he would call the situation at the southern border a crisis, Newsweek reported.
“No, but I wish they would react. I’ve been pushing them–my Republican colleagues–since I got into office. I think we have to make major changes at the border. I’ve been pushing it. I’m prepared to make significant alterations at the border. And there are negotiations going on for the last five weeks, so I’m hopeful we’ll get there,” Biden responded.
Remember hearing that President Harry Truman famously said, “The buck stops here?”
For Joe Biden, it’s the case of “The buck never got here…I think.”
407 days ago | Comment by: Philip
I am convinced Biden is being bribed BY OUR ENEMIES! He is doing everything conceivable to destroy America.
407 days ago | Comment by: Henry
That is the aim of the Marxist Democrats. This is the way the Marxists take over a country. Social welfare programs at the Federal level (including Social Security) should never happen. Dependence on the national government (i.e., Roman bread & circuses) are how the cancer starts. Now it will take VERY radical "surgery" to rid ourselves of this menace, if it is even possible at all.
406 days ago | Comment by: Jim
FJB's Marxist administration hides what it wants to and lies about it when caught. The individuals involved suffer zero consequences. This MUST change.
406 days ago | Comment by: Jim
FJB's Marxist administration hides what it wants to and lies about it when caught. The individuals involved suffer zero consequences. This MUST change.
406 days ago | Comment by: Jane
It seems that Biden and his handlers are grasping at straws to refine his campaign message every few days. First, he touted Bidenonomics. Then he began accusing Donald Trump of being the 21st century Hitler. Now he disingenuously dissembles that he's been nagging Congress for three years to fix immigration law and the border problems are all their fault because they've done nothing. Make up your mind, Joe. None of these messages are working. Perhaps you just can't manage to rehearse and correctly deliver as your handlers have been coaching you.
406 days ago | Comment by: Jane
It seems that Biden and his handlers are grasping at straws to refine his campaign message every few days. First, he touted Bidenonomics. Then he began accusing Donald Trump of being the 21st century Hitler. Now he disingenuously dissembles that he's been nagging Congress for three years to fix immigration law and the border problems are all their fault because they've done nothing. Make up your mind, Joe. None of these messages are working. Perhaps you just can't manage to rehearse and correctly deliver as your handlers have been coaching you.
406 days ago | Comment by: Wendy
This is quite disturbing! With all the info collected on Biden and the nefarious things he has done to the American people and this nation….entirely to long to list here - When is someone going to have the “Big Ones” to bring forth articles of impeachment? They sure talk about it but they Do nothing! There is enough evidence on Biden for over 50 years of his cheating, lying, money grabbing you name it not to mention the horrible things he has put this nation thru these last three years. It took the dems a nano second to gather what they needed to impeach Trump - why not Biden? By now the entire world realizes that Biden has been lying al along. He always has - cant help himself. He has always known that he is no good and has to lie to prop himself up. He has proven with all revelations now that he is disingenuous and he really does not care because in his pea brain he believe he is untouchable. Everything he says about his rival is what he himself does. Narcissistic at best. Let’s get the show on the road. At this stage of the game it may not get him out of the WH but sure would curb his bad habits and hopefully not destroy this country more than he already has. God save us!