DOD takes mind-blowing step to prevent men and women from being called "men" and "women"

WASHINGTON, D.C. – It took almost an entire month for people to realize that there was a change to the Manual of Military Decorations and Awards.

According to reports, Change 5 took effect on August 7th, but it wasn’t until the first week of September when the Office of the Secretary of Defense returned a draft citation for the end-of-tour award.

Change 5 requires the citation to use the pronoun “themself” instead “him.” Page 49 of the revised manual includes draft language for awards such as this, “Superior Meritorious Service (e.g., PCS and Retirement awards): (Rank) First M. Last, Jr., United States (Military Service), distinguished themself by superior meritorious service in a position of significant responsibility as (position and duty assignment), from (month year) to (months year).”

These revised rules will apply to the most prestigious joint awards given by the Department of Defense (DOD), including:
  •        The Defense Distinguished Service Medal
  •        The Defense Superior Service Medal
  •        The Defense Meritorious Service Medal
  •        The Joint Service Commendation Medal
  •        The Joint Service Achievement Medal
  •        The Joint Meritorious Unit Award

As reported in the Daily Signal, “Gender-neutral language used in cases where the actual, biological gender of the person is clearly known reduces that person to an androgenous non-entity, devoid – stripped, rather – of a profoundly fundamental characteristic central to who that person is as an individual.”

The report added, “In this single case, four words dictate to the more than 2 million Americans proudly and honorably serving in uniform that their service to the country – in any state, territory, or overseas assignment – in any joint capacity can only be recognized with the neutering word ‘themselves.’”

Nearly immediately after realizing that Change 5 is now a part of the manual, Senator Tom Cotton (R- AR) demanded answers from the DOD. In a letter to Defense Secretary Llyod Austin, Cotton wrote, “I write regarding the department’s decision to incorporate ‘gender neutral’ language into decoration and award citations.

Our military will apparently now use the word ‘themself’ – which is not even a word, I hasten to add – instead of ‘himself’ or ‘herself’ to describe heroic or distinguished actions.”

In his letter, Cotton noted that “the previous guidance simply referred to servicemembers as ‘himself or herself’” He added, “This language isn’t referring to unspecified personnel in the abstract or large numbers of troops – it refers to a specific, named person whose ‘preferred gender’ is presumably known.”

Cotton noted that this change highlights the “Pentagon’s apparent trend of focusing on leftist social goals” rather than “fixing the military’s real problems.”

He wrote, “The Department’s embrace of far-left gender ideology doesn’t merely subvert the English language in ways that would astonish George Orwell. Worse, it exemplifies a Pentagon leadership consumed by the fads of the faculty lounge at a time when the Army can’t hit its recruiting goals, the Navy can’t keep ships out of dry dock, and the Air Force can’t find spare parts for planes.”

Cotton served Austin with three questions about the change, giving him one week to answer them. Those questions are listed below:
  •        Did you personally approve the inclusion of Change 5 in the Manual of Military Decorations and Awards? If not, when did you first learn of the change?
  •        Under this updated guidance, may servicemembers request the use of the male or female pronoun on their award citations and at promotion and retirement ceremonies? How will those requests be treated?
  •        What other official documentation within the DoD requires gender-neutral language, such as the replacement of ‘himself’ and ‘herself’ with ‘themself.’

Cotton’s last words in his letter were, “I also would welcome a reply that this whole episode was just a practical joke, or a decision you immediately reversed when it came to your attention.”

If this was not a practical joke, as noted by Cotton, then it will more than likely trickle down to the service-level awards made by the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Space Force sooner than later.
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