Several months ago, I penned an article ("Brace For Impact") warning about a potential multi-phased attack on, and in, the America homeland. Like a perfect storm, outside collaborative forces are gathering to strike. Recent political, social, and economic situations were joining forces to create potential chaos.
An open border allowing millions of unknown bad actors access into the country, uncontrolled crime, excessive inflation, political hatred verging on civil war, inept leadership, and multiple international conflicts with nuclear overtones were just of few of the matchsticks that could start the forest on fire.
All these roads seemed to be converging and may still ultimately clash together if not mitigated. There were too many 'red flags' to ignore impending disaster(s). So, the crux of the article was to prepare for the worst, just in case.
The 'Red Flags' are not only still present, but seem to be multiplying exponentially. Even low-level super conservative estimates of "Bad Actors", such as cartel criminals, gang members, saboteurs, terrorists, killers and foreign enemy agents, infiltrating through the southern border is frightening, at the very least.
Even a mere 1 percent of the estimated 10 Million Illegal Aliens entering in the last four years put the total at 100,000 evil doers here now to do harm. In retrospect, only about 1000 Hamas terrorists participated in the October 7, 2023 Israeli massacre, killing over 1200 civilians and taking hundreds hostage. In that specific operation, Hamas terrorists breached 30 points along barricaded wall from Gaza.
If terrorists try that here, they don't have to breach the border wall. They're already here. Speculation has made it all the way to the Halls of Congress regarding an October 7th style attack here in America. More red flag warnings have been recently echoed by both the FBI Director and DHS Director.
If you research "Terror Threats" on any search engine, you'll find more than enough evidence of warnings by senior officials and documents from federal agencies.
I point out a recent specific interview from the Shark Coast Tactical Podcast, with guest speaker CIA agent Sarah Adams, who reveals a planned Al-Qaeda attack in America using 1500 AQ operatives for a multi faceted attack sometime in 2025.
According to Adams, the Israeli October 7 attacks were a dress rehearsal for an attack in the USA that AQ plotted for Hamas. Adams is a War on Terror veteran, former CIA targeting analyst, and best-selling author on the Benghazi tragedy. She has also been a guest recently on the Shawn Ryan Show podcast revealing similar concerns about an imminent attack on US soil by Islamic Terrorists. Are LE agencies prepared for an all-out nationwide multi-terror attack?
As I write this, we have already seen two terror attacks since 2025 began, and now LA County is burning down. Whether due to intentional arson by terrorists or by natural conditions is irrelevant, we can see the government was not ready to respond, mitigate or prevent this disaster.
Another recent 'Red Flag' is the drone flap over New Jersey and the northeast. Multiple Governors and Congressmen just met with President-elect Trump, and they still cannot get a straight answer from the Biden Administration on the origin or purpose of these objects, other than there is no national security threat.
The fact that there are unknown objects flying around unchallenged through multiple restricted airspaces insinuates a threat already in the area, OR they themselves pose the threat to those on the ground in those areas. I would like to think that we do not have enemy fleets of thousands of drones over the US, and would prefer to believe it is our drone fleet searching for some secret threat the government refuses to reveal.
So, what would mandate a search of such magnitude? One theory proposed by a US military drone contractor, John Ferguson/ CEO of Saxon Aerospace, is that they are searching for missing or stolen radioactive materials, thus validating the night only flights.
If terrorists here in the US have possession of material for a dirty bomb, or even a nuke itself, then we are in big trouble, more than we can handle. Imagine one detonated at any one of many upcoming public events, such as the Presidential Inauguration? That is just the type of attack AQ lives for, with repercussions causing world-wide chaos. We are not ready for that.
I would suggest you start by having your intelligence units begin assessing any and all potential major threats to your jurisdictions, think outside the norm, and begin preparing for the worst possible scenarios. Any preparations are better than none at all (look at California). We are headed for an imminent train-wreck. It is your DUTY to prepare for the worst.
William Henry Challans is a retired police officer who served in the Denver Police Department.
2025-01-13T16:46-0500 | Comment by: Michael
I'd say to be prepared and to expect it, given the numbers let into this country.
2025-01-14T12:04-0500 | Comment by: James
Buy as much ammo as you can! This is going to cost blood before it is over!!!