The plot thickens: "Persons of interest" now sought in connection with dead pregnant teen and her boyfriend

Editor's note: The proper spelling of Savannah Nicole Soto's first name is unclear, as it has been reported as "Savannah" as well as "Savanah."

SAN ANTONIO, TX - Two persons of interest are being sought in connection with the death of 18-year-old Savannah Nicole Soto, who was nine months pregnant, and her 22-year-old boyfriend, Matthew Guerra, police say.

Police located video footage about three miles from where the bodies of the deceased were found on Wednesday. The video shows the drivers of two vehicles that are believed to have been involved.

One vehicle is a silver Kia Optima, reportedly owned by Guerra, and which Soto had been seen inside of just days before. This is the same vehicle in which the three were found dead; police later released the status of the baby as deceased as well.

Soto was due to be induced into labor last Saturday, the day before her mother reported her missing, after being a week overdue.
The other vehicle is a dark pickup truck believed to be a Chevy Silverado. The two vehicles can be seen on camera pulling into a parking lot from opposite directions, then stopping so the drivers can converse.  

In a press conference on Thursday, Police Chief William McManus said the deaths are being treated as capital murders. In response to a question on whether the incident could have been a murder-suicide, specifically as Soto’s family has said Guerra was “abusive” towards her, the chief said, “We’ve kind of gotten past that point right now, unless we get evidence that would lead us to believe otherwise.

“Detectives are doing everything that they can do to solve this case,” Chief McManus said, adding that the crime was a “heinous act” and “unspeakable.”

The Bexar County Medical Examiner’s Office on Thursday said that Soto and Guerra were both shot in the head. While Soto’s manner of death has been ruled a homicide, Guerra’s has not yet been ruled.

The San Antonio Police Department shared the video on social media and encouraged anyone with information to call SAPD Homicide at (210) 207-7674 or (210) 207-7440. They added that anyone calling can remain anonymous.

The bodies of Soto and Guerra were originally found on Wednesday after Soto was reported missing on Friday. She'd missed an "essential doctor's appointment," according to her mother. Chief McManus said after the bodies were found that they could have been there for "three or four days."
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