QUEENS, NY - Three people are dead as a result of a landlord-tenant dispute that occurred Tuesday morning. The landlord, identified as David Daniel 54, turned himself into a local police station, claiming he had murdered three individuals inside their Queen's home.
Police from the 113th Precinct Station House responded and discovered three bodies inside the home. Two were listed as being in the basement, and a third individual, a woman, was located in an upstairs bedroom.
Daniel now faces murder charges stemming from the stabbing death of the two women and one man inside their home.
It appears that the landlord told police that he had been having issues with the tenants and, in a calm voice, claimed to have done “something bad” at the residence.
NYPD assistant chief Kevin Williams told reporters that Daniel appeared to be relaxed when he entered the station and disclosed the activities that occurred earlier Tuesday morning.
Williams went on to say that police entered the two-story home on Milburn Street approximately at 7:00 a.m. He described the scene as a “grisly slaying“ in which his officers located the three bodies on the two different levels.
The charges against the landlord include criminal possession of a weapon and murder.
It is assumed that one of the victims was Daniel's girlfriend, who lived with the other two slain individuals. The ages of the victims were a 57-year-old man and the two women being 51 and 55.
The victims had multiple stab wounds when they were found and already deceased.
The dispute appears to go back to the days of the Covid pandemic dealing with rent problems. However, the exact nature of the problems between Daniel and the victims was unclear at this time.
When Daniel arrived at the Station House, he approached an officer and described having issues with these tenants. It was at that point that he mentioned that something had happened back at the residence.
NYPD Chief of Detectives Joe Kenny said, “At that point, a lieutenant at the desk hears what's going on, walks over and activates his body worn camera.”
In a relaxed demeanor, Daniel proceeded to give the address of where the crime occurred to authorities. The address lies in the St. Albans neighborhood of Queens.
According to Chief Kenny, the suspect simply wanted to get the story off of his chest. He went on to say that the murder weapon had yet to be located.
At the time, families of the victims were still being notified of the tragic event.
One neighbor named Teri described to reporters with the New York Post that Daniel was a “polite” individual, and he seemed like a calm, nice person.
Another neighbor related that every time she came across Daniel, it was always positive and that he always asked how her family was doing.
“I'm completely shocked by this. I never heard about any of his disputes with tenants," she said.
Police from the 113th Precinct Station House responded and discovered three bodies inside the home. Two were listed as being in the basement, and a third individual, a woman, was located in an upstairs bedroom.
Daniel now faces murder charges stemming from the stabbing death of the two women and one man inside their home.
It appears that the landlord told police that he had been having issues with the tenants and, in a calm voice, claimed to have done “something bad” at the residence.
NYPD assistant chief Kevin Williams told reporters that Daniel appeared to be relaxed when he entered the station and disclosed the activities that occurred earlier Tuesday morning.
Williams went on to say that police entered the two-story home on Milburn Street approximately at 7:00 a.m. He described the scene as a “grisly slaying“ in which his officers located the three bodies on the two different levels.
The charges against the landlord include criminal possession of a weapon and murder.
It is assumed that one of the victims was Daniel's girlfriend, who lived with the other two slain individuals. The ages of the victims were a 57-year-old man and the two women being 51 and 55.
The victims had multiple stab wounds when they were found and already deceased.
The dispute appears to go back to the days of the Covid pandemic dealing with rent problems. However, the exact nature of the problems between Daniel and the victims was unclear at this time.
When Daniel arrived at the Station House, he approached an officer and described having issues with these tenants. It was at that point that he mentioned that something had happened back at the residence.
NYPD Chief of Detectives Joe Kenny said, “At that point, a lieutenant at the desk hears what's going on, walks over and activates his body worn camera.”
In a relaxed demeanor, Daniel proceeded to give the address of where the crime occurred to authorities. The address lies in the St. Albans neighborhood of Queens.
According to Chief Kenny, the suspect simply wanted to get the story off of his chest. He went on to say that the murder weapon had yet to be located.
At the time, families of the victims were still being notified of the tragic event.
One neighbor named Teri described to reporters with the New York Post that Daniel was a “polite” individual, and he seemed like a calm, nice person.
Another neighbor related that every time she came across Daniel, it was always positive and that he always asked how her family was doing.
“I'm completely shocked by this. I never heard about any of his disputes with tenants," she said.
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491 days ago | Comment by: Frank
Non payment of rent has been a on going problem in NYC since 2020 and City Marshalls have been back logged with evictions. He probably just snapped because he may have been in financial duress and this is the end result .