Oklahoma high school faces backlash for silencing student's American pride after hosting feet and armpit licking contests

EDMONTON, OK - Edmond North High School has come under intense scrutiny after a student was instructed to remove an American flag from his pickup truck. The school, which previously attracted criticism for hosting controversial events like feet and armpit licking contests in March 2024, again faces backlash from the community and conservative groups.

The incident has sparked widespread debate on social media, with many arguing that the school's actions violate the student's constitutional rights. Critics view the ban as an infringement on free expression and patriotism. The school, however, maintains that the decision is part of a long-standing policy aimed at maintaining neutrality and preventing disruption on campus.

According to Jeff Bardach, the public information officer for Edmond Public Schools, the district enforces a blanket ban on all flags, not just the American flag, to ensure fairness. "You can’t allow one [flag] and limit another," Bardach stated, emphasizing that the policy is intended to avoid favoritism or bias towards any particular symbol or group.

The policy, which prohibits the display of flags, inappropriate language, and signs on campus or during school events, is communicated to students at the beginning of each academic year. Bardach further explained that the rule is designed to create a safe and non-disruptive environment, noting that flying flags on vehicles can pose safety hazards in the parking lot and potentially cause damage to other cars.

"To be clear, this is not about the American flag or patriotism. Edmond Public Schools proudly displays the American flag prominently and in the proper, respectful way outside each of our buildings and in our classrooms," Bardach said. "Not only do we recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning as we start our school day, but we also present the colors and play the national anthem at most of our athletic events. All of these things are done in the proper fashion according to flag etiquette."

In response to the outcry, Bardach clarified that the policy is not an attack on patriotism or the American flag. He pointed out that Edmond Public Schools proudly displays the American flag in a respectful manner outside its buildings and in classrooms. The school also includes the Pledge of Allegiance in its daily routine and showcases the colors while playing the national anthem at most athletic events.

The student's family has not commented on the situation, despite requests from local media outlets. Meanwhile, the debate continues, with community members and online commenters divided over the school's policy and its implications for students' rights.

This incident adds to the ongoing controversy surrounding Edmond North High School, raising questions about the balance between school policies and individual freedoms.
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The headline say's enough. Three's some major issues with this school system. Start with a new principal and the community getting INVOLVED to elect a new school board.

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