Expert warns Biden against retaliating against Iran on their soil so that they don't nuke us

TEHRAN- This weekend, three US service members were killed in a drone strike in Jordan believed to have been sent by Iranian-backed terrorists to the US military installation known as Tower 22. Preliminary reports suggest the drone may have been mistaken for a US drone and allowed to pass unchallenged into the base, the Associated Press reported. 

According to The Mirror, the attack puts Joe Biden in a precarious position, most of it self-inflicted. By allowing Iran to continue its nuclear program, Biden has now put the US in the position of having to temper the US response to the attack so as not to antagonize the largest state-sponsor of terror in the world, which some say is only months away from weaponizing their nuclear capability. 

Many lawmakers have suggested Biden retaliate against Iran with the full force of the United States military, including Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas). However, according to a former UN weapons inspector, Iran could be motivated to hasten its nuclear weapons program as their “best way out” if the US targets the rogue nation. 

The former inspector, David Albright, previously said Tehran was only five months away from building twelve nuclear weapons. He admitted that the US needs to send a “clear message” by retaliating against the militants responsible for the three American deaths, however, he warned against launching any direct strikes on Iran to avert an escalation of the Middle East conflict that escalated on Oct. 7 when Hamas savages killed over 1,000 Israeli citizens, sparking a war with Israel that rages still today. 

“You certainly don’t want to attack Iran now by any means, but you do need to retaliate,” Albright said. “Certainly, any retaliation should be directed at the group, with a message to Iran: ‘Control your proxies.’ One of the reasons to do that is you don’t want Iran to feel it’s being backed into a corner where it feels that building nuclear weapons is its best way out. Iran has quite a nuclear weapons capability that they’ve put together over the last 20-something years.” 

The attack, the latest in a series of prodding attacks by Iranian-backed militants, took place along the northeast area of Jordan near the Syrian border, US Central Command said. The US has long used that base, with some 3,000 soldiers typically stationed there at any given time. 

In this particular case, it is believed insurgents used a “Kamikaze drone to carry out the deadly attack. Albright said it was “expected” that such a drone would one day kill Americans as the crude drones are often used in swarms to overpower their targets, he said. 

“It was expected that at some point, one of these kamikaze drones was going to kill Americans. They carry quite a bit of high explosives, and they’re pre-programmed to hit stationary targets, so they can hit pretty precisely a military base. And Iran knows the US will retaliate,” Albright continued. 

 “They’re pretty effective drones, they’re not fast. I’m sure the ones they copied probably had a jet engine, but the ones they’ve reverse-engineered ended up having a propeller. It’s well-documented that the engine sounds like a lawnmower. But it has a very good guidance system and an anti-jamming system, too. So it can often reach the target.” 

Albright continued, “They can be shot down, and they often are, but as this case shows, they can also get through. Typically, when they’ve been launched in Ukraine, they’ve launched in barrages, in the hope that ten percent or 20 percent will hit their targets.” 

In a previous statement, Albright suggested that Iran’s enrichment of uranium was a “hair’s breadth from 90 percent,” the most-desired level to create a nuclear weapon. He admitted it is now an “unfortunate reality” that Iranian citizens possess the knowledge to build a nuclear bomb. He also warned that the rogue nation could possess enough weapons-grade uranium within a month for six weapons; after five months, that could double. 

Albright wrote a report for publication on the Institute for Science and International Security, which he founded, saying: “The unfortunate reality is that Iran already knows how to build nuclear weapons, although there are some unfinished tasks related to the actual construction of them. 

“Today, it would need only about a week to produce enough for its first nuclear weapon. It could have enough weapon-grade uranium for six weapons in one month, and after five months of producing weapon[s]-grade uranium, it could have enough for twelve.” 

Biden, of course has been largely responsible for Iran’s ability to acquire nukes. Between unfreezing $10 billion in Iranian assets to releasing five American hostages at a cost of $1.2 billion each, all with a “promise” from the Ayatollah not to expand its stockpile of enriched uranium. Iran couldn’t jump on that deal fast enough. 

Biden also lifted sanctions on Iran, allowing it to export oil to China, with estimates last year suggesting Tehran was sending Beijing between 1.4 to 2.2 million barrels per day as of August 2023. According to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, the deal with Tehran was negotiated privately between Iran and the White House. 

Now, it appears the blood money is being used to further Iran’s attacks on shipping interests in the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf, and now the drone attack that killed three Americans. If Iran develops nuclear weapons, the death toll of Americans could surge much higher.

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We should carpet bomb every government/military building in that God forsaken place.


We should have bombed those bastards to high Heaven back when Reagan was President. It's only a matter of time now before a nuke is used against us. Especially after Biden threw open the borders and let God knows what enter this country unfettered. Biden belongs in prison, not up for re-election.


So what is the best recourse? Do something symbolic and wait for Iran to be fully nuclear capable? Iran's nuclear capabilities were ushered along by Obama, Biden and John Kerry. Making them guilty of treason in my book. Now we're going to hold back from deservingly hitting Iran right their faces bc they may use nuclear weapons against us? Do you realize how absurd that is?


Iran believes that a "fiery war" must take place to destroy the "great Satan" - then the 12th Imam will appear and Islam will rule the world. In other words, Iran WANTS us to attack their homeland. The answer is attacks that will allow plausible deniability. Cyber against their Nuclear manufacturing, secret missions to destroy their oil terminal, etc.


Israel is a player here too. I expect that Israel will attack Iran's nuclear program, possibly with its own nukes, before Iran actually produces a deliverable nuclear weapon.


We are in this spot because Biden and Obama both scared of Iran we hit them hard now knock out all there command and control destroy their drone factory's radar sites and explain to them it only gets worse from here China won't save them Russia won't get involved it's a perfect pretext for us to stop their nuclear weapons building now they crazy fanatics rather do it now then wait till they for sure have them my guess is they don't have the missiles to reach the mainland yet just explain to them one nuclear weapon launch from you we will turn ya into glass


Correct... IRAN is foolish and WILL reap what they sow...


Iran will be TOAST .. supplied by ISRAEL who possess the ONLY NEUTRON BOMB.. it WILL kill every living thing in it's path without an explosion... It will NOT destroy structures etc. IRAN IS FOOLISH and will pay a HUGE PRICE...


Iran is SO FAR BEHIND in technology... they cannot survive what is inevitable


Iran is SO FAR BEHIND in technology... they cannot survive what is inevitable

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