SPRINGFIELD, OH - Time was that the FBI was the preeminent law enforcement agency in the country, if not the world. However, the agency has become a laughingstock under feckless Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Biden-Harris administration. Make no mistake, the agency has been on a downward trend for years, but that fall from grace has accelerated under Garland.
The latest abomination to come out of the FBI is efforts in Springfield, Ohio, to kneecap any opposition to the mass invasion of Haitian aliens into that community. Where the population of Springfield was around 60,000, an estimated 20,000 Haitian alien invaders have been sent to the city aided and abetted by the Biden-Harris administration.
Springfield has recently come to prominence due to the influx of Haitians, which some residents complain has led to wildlife, such as geese and ducks, being taken and slaughtered by Haitians to be eaten. Unfortunately, wildlife aren’t the only animals being taken by Haitians for consumption. Some residents have complained that house pets have also been served up as meals.
In response, the FBI has been dispatched to the city, but not for the reasons one might think. According to The Liberty Daily, the agency has been sent to Springfield not to deal with the Haitian problem but to deal with city residents who are highlighting it.
According to reports, Springfield has seen skyrocketing crime, increased motor vehicle crashes caused by inexperienced drivers, and other less-than-desirable activity. In response, the FBI has been sent to Springfield to deal with alleged “hate crimes” that are purportedly being threatened by “right-wing extremists.”
If only the Biden-Harris administration and Garland were as concerned about the threats posed by unvetted criminal aliens.
Sources say that the FBI’s response to so-called “hate crimes” has been attributed, with zero evidence, to Trump supporters. Billboards have been posted in the area in English and Haitian Creole advising people to report “hate crimes.”
That was reported by independent journalist Nick Sortor, who posted on X, “NEW: The FBI is putting up BILLBOARDS written in HAITIAN CREOLE here in Springfield, Ohio, encouraging people to 'report hate crimes.' THIS IS INSANE Instead of handling the REAL, VIOLENT crime that’s now running rampant in Springfield thanks to Kamala’s illegals, the FBI is focusing on “victimizing” the Haitian population in order to push a narrative.”
The media interest in the Springfield story is also somewhat unusual, The Liberty Daily notes. Typically, mainstream media would ignore a story like that in Springfield, hoping it would soon go down the memory hole. Instead, likely because the issue was brought up by President Trump in his debate with Harris last week, the media is going out of its way to attempt to debunk the stories as hoaxes.
Christopher Rufo, fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, verified the issue of Haitians eating cats in Ohio. He said that he has verified the accounts of Springfield residents with “multiple witnesses and visual cross-references.” He further said the problem crosses over into neighboring Dayton, Ohio.
Independent journalist JD Rucker slammed the media, claiming they have “actively and aggressively pretended to debunk it. And every time their debunking gets debunked, they try again from a different angle. There’s clearly more to this story than we even know because they're just not letting it go.”
Earlier this year, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned lawmakers about the possibility of a terrorist attack, saying lights were “blinking red” all over the place. Yet his agency is more concerned with targeting innocent residents of Ohio, having their community destroyed by the Biden-Harris illegal invasion.
2024-09-16T14:29-0400 | Comment by: Devon
The FBI was created by the Deep State to cover up the crimes of the Deep State. Thyey have no Constitutional Authority or Standing whatsoever and don't evn possess a "Corproate Charter". Thye have no legitimate reason to exist other than by Color of Law. Thye can enter into NO COUNTY without the perm ission of the Sheriff, as long as that Sherfif is not operating as Sherif within a "For-profit Governemtal Services Corporation", which all are franchises of the British territorial fraud occupying the Disitrct of Columbia calling itsefl by OUR name, with a slight semantic alteration, called "the United States", which is not the Govt. of We the People and hasNOTHING to dow tih our legitinmate Republic called "The Uniedt States of America. NONE of our real Govt. is "Incorporated." All Corproatuions are under Admiralty/MAritime/Commercial Law. Thje FBI is a fraud, possessing NO POWERS, but weak and IGNORANT Sheriffs pay obeisance to them, allwoing them to come into their Counties, while most are Corprate Sheriffs now, with NO CONSTITUTIONALAUTHORITY
2024-09-16T14:59-0400 | Comment by: Devon
The FBI was created by the Deep State to cover up the crimes of the Deep State. They have no Constitutional Authority or Standing whatsoever and don't even possess a "Corporate Charter". Congress refuised to give them any legitimacy, and they only exist by Executive Order, which is Color of Law and Un-Constitutional. No Exeutive Orders powers were ever given by the People. They have no legitimate reason to exist other than by Color of Law. The FBI can enter into NO COUNTY without the permission of the Sheriff, as long as that Sherfif is not operating as Sherif within a "For-profit Governmental Services Corporation", which all are franchises of the British Territorial fraud occupying the District of Columbia calling itself by OUR name, with a slight semantic alteration, called "the United States", which is not the Govt. of We the People, and has NOTHING to do with our legitimate Republic called "The United States of America." NONE of our real Govt. is "Incorporated." All Corporations are under Admiralty/Maritime/Commercial Law that is controlled by the British Crown. The FBI is an outright subversive, criminal fraud, possessing NO POWERS outside the District of Columbia itself, but weak and IGNORANT Sheriffs pay obeisance to them, allowing them to come into their Counties, while most are "Corporate" Sheriffs now, with NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to begin with, or any Standing in Law outside their BRITISH CROWN Commercial/BAR Courts, that displaced our "Public Court houses" and destroyed Justice for gain.
2024-09-16T17:57-0400 | Comment by: Shelby
This article is insanely racist and an outright lie. If you’re making bomb threats especially over the myth that “Haitians are eating pets”, you should be targeted by the FBI. You should be ashamed of yourselves. I truly hope you’re not a law enforcement officer.
2024-09-17T09:44-0400 | Comment by: Raconteur
Biden and his Democrat parrots are spouting off about "Haitian Americans". It is not about Haitian Americans! it is the Haitian ALIENS that have come into our country illegally and are bringing the problems of Haiti with them! They have no sense of society in America. They only know how to survive in the violent Haiti culture and they bring that with them. Not knowing anything else, they will establish the same violent Haitian culture wherever they are in America. Typical Democrat solution: go after those who are pointing to the problem; not the problem.
2024-09-17T11:31-0400 | Comment by: Larry
It is very obvious that the FBI is now the enforcement arm of the democrats the DNC and the press, but ultimately, they are knowingly or unknowingly the arm of the globalist billionaires who control entire nations, and soon our nation will join them completely unless stopped...Every person in Springfield, unless they have information about actual harm from Haitians, should adopt the 5th Amendment and just clam up or they may end up like Gen. Flynn.
2024-09-17T11:31-0400 | Comment by: Larry
It is very obvious that the FBI is now the enforcement arm of the democrats the DNC and the press, but ultimately, they are knowingly or unknowingly the arm of the globalist billionaires who control entire nations, and soon our nation will join them completely unless stopped...Every person in Springfield, unless they have information about actual harm from Haitians, should adopt the 5th Amendment and just clam up or they may end up like Gen. Flynn.
2024-09-17T11:32-0400 | Comment by: Larry
It is very obvious that the FBI is now the enforcement arm of the democrats the DNC and the press, but ultimately, they are knowingly or unknowingly the arm of the globalist billionaires who control entire nations, and soon our nation will join them completely unless stopped...Every person in Springfield, unless they have information about actual harm from Haitians, should adopt the 5th Amendment and just clam up or they may end up like Gen. Flynn.
2024-09-17T11:32-0400 | Comment by: Larry
It is very obvious that the FBI is now the enforcement arm of the democrats the DNC and the press, but ultimately, they are knowingly or unknowingly the arm of the globalist billionaires who control entire nations, and soon our nation will join them completely unless stopped...Every person in Springfield, unless they have information about actual harm from Haitians, should adopt the 5th Amendment and just clam up or they may end up like Gen. Flynn.