MCALLEN, TX - The Federal Emergency Management Agency under orders from the Trump Administration has launched a review of all organizations that are providing temporary housing and other material assistance to illegal immigrants with the implication that they may have violated laws applying to human smuggling.
Cameron Hamilton, acting administrator of the FEMA wrote in a letter to recipients of grants from FEMA’s Shelter and Services Program Tuesday that the DHS has “significant concerns” that the grants were utilized for illegal activities rather to provide services for illegal immigrants.
According to the Associated Press, the letter obtained by the wire service requests the grant recipients provide the government with the names and contact information of the illegal immigrants they allegedly served along with “a detailed and descriptive list of specific services provided,” within a 30-day timeframe. Pending the results of this inquiry, FEMA will be withholding their funding.
Reportedly, the concerns arise from potential violations of U.S. Criminal Code Section 1324 and the letter, while not warning of criminal prosecution, did state that executive officers of the grant recipients must return sworn affidavits affirming they have “no knowledge or suspicions of anyone in their organizations violating the smuggling law,” per the AP.
As noted by The New York Post, FEMA’s Shelter and Services Program directed grant funding of approximately $641 million to a multitude of non-profit organizations, and state and local governments across the nation throughout fiscal 2024 to help cope with the flood of illegal immigrants allowed into the nation by the outgoing Biden Administration.
The cities in question included New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Denver, as well as organizations such as the United Way of Miami, the San Antonio Food Bank, and several branches of Catholic Charities.
As reported by the Post, Catholic Charities has been subjected to scrutiny since January after a video was revealed from Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s Refugee & Immigration Services Program with immigration attorney Barbara Graham providing a comprehensive set of instructions for illegal immigrants to evade capture by immigration authorities.
Cameron Hamilton, acting administrator of the FEMA wrote in a letter to recipients of grants from FEMA’s Shelter and Services Program Tuesday that the DHS has “significant concerns” that the grants were utilized for illegal activities rather to provide services for illegal immigrants.
According to the Associated Press, the letter obtained by the wire service requests the grant recipients provide the government with the names and contact information of the illegal immigrants they allegedly served along with “a detailed and descriptive list of specific services provided,” within a 30-day timeframe. Pending the results of this inquiry, FEMA will be withholding their funding.
Reportedly, the concerns arise from potential violations of U.S. Criminal Code Section 1324 and the letter, while not warning of criminal prosecution, did state that executive officers of the grant recipients must return sworn affidavits affirming they have “no knowledge or suspicions of anyone in their organizations violating the smuggling law,” per the AP.
As noted by The New York Post, FEMA’s Shelter and Services Program directed grant funding of approximately $641 million to a multitude of non-profit organizations, and state and local governments across the nation throughout fiscal 2024 to help cope with the flood of illegal immigrants allowed into the nation by the outgoing Biden Administration.
The cities in question included New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Denver, as well as organizations such as the United Way of Miami, the San Antonio Food Bank, and several branches of Catholic Charities.
As reported by the Post, Catholic Charities has been subjected to scrutiny since January after a video was revealed from Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s Refugee & Immigration Services Program with immigration attorney Barbara Graham providing a comprehensive set of instructions for illegal immigrants to evade capture by immigration authorities.
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5 hours ago | Comment by: James
AMERICANS ought to be shooting fema on sight .......