Female NYPD officer faces long road to recovery after being brutally assaulted by a repeat offender

NEW YORK CITY, NY - On Thursday evening, August 1st, a repeat offender who was out on probation viciously attacked a New York Police Department (NYPD) female officer, punching her repeatedly in the face and knocking her to the ground before other officers tackled the offender to the ground.

According to the New York Post, police union officials have confirmed that the officer has a "long road to recovery ahead." The suspect, identified as 41-year-old Ernst Delma, punched the female officer in the face when she tried to break up an argument between him and a group of kids on a Clason Point street corner. 

Footage captured by a bystander shows the hectic moments after Delma punched the officer to the ground on the corner of Rosedale and Randall Avenues. Blood streamed from the officer's face as a bystander helped her up while her partner rushed to the suspect in an attempt to apprehend him. Video shows her partner struggling with Delma as the physical altercation continued. 

Delma's pants and underwear embarrassingly fell down as he tried to resist the officer, who ultimately was able to handcuff him. Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Hendry said in a statement, "I spoke to the officer today. She is in pain but in good spirits. She said she is deeply appreciative of the support she's getting from her fellow cops and the public."

She told Hendry that she was "just doing her job that day, trying to keep the peace." Hendry said, "She's looking forward to getting back to doing that job, but she has a long road to recovery ahead." According to police records, the officer has just eight months on the job and five arrests under her belt. Delma, who was on probation in New Jersey, walked out of the Bronx precinct hours after his arrest with a stitched up swollen eye.

Before being taken to court by the officers he tried to show remorse for his actions saying, "I didn't mean to punch her. It was a self-defense thing. I'm really sorry for doing it. I didn't know I did it, I was intoxicated. The judge was unmoved, setting his bail at a $100,000 bond. He was arraigned of charges of assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, and obstructing governmental administration. His next court appearance is set for August 14th.

Hendry said in a statement, "We're glad that this dangerous individual is staying off the streets, but nobody should believe his sorry excuse that he didn't know he assaulted a police officer. The facts are the facts: Our sister was in full uniform, with her shield shining on her chest, when he walloped her hard enough to knock her to the ground and cause serious injuries. He's not sorry he hit her. He's sorry he got caught."

Delma has a long criminal history with numerous prior arrests for assault and burglary over the past few years, including a July 2022 case in which he randomly assaulted a woman along Broadway in Midtown. Court records from New Jersey show that Delma may have had a history of attacking police. A defendant with the same name and age as Delma pleaded guilty in 2012 to throwing a bodily fluid at a police officer. 

Hendry said, "Thankfully our sister is recovering from this brutal assault. But this is exactly what happens when the justice system cares more about coddling criminals than backing up cops on the street."

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