Great American Warrior: Miranda Fuller, helping the police and military with virtual simulation training

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This Great American Warrior article is brought to you by our partner, philanthropist, and LEO supporter Trudy Jacobson.

Miranda Fuller was always a talented person. She earned her first bank loan to start a tanning business at just 21 years old and went on from there to pursue several other entrepreneurial endeavors: a salon, a florist shop, real estate, restaurants - even a local television dating show. 

Life was smooth until the financial crisis of 2008 crippled her businesses and forced her to start over. But she now considers it a blessing in disguise because she found a way to help the law enforcement and military community - with virtual reality. 

Miranda is the Vice President of Marketing for VirTra

 “VirTra is the innovative company that creates judgmental use of force and firearms simulators that help the public safety and military markets,” Miranda said.

Every law enforcement officer in America understands that they are one call away from needing to use deadly force. That is what they are trained for. 

Unfortunately, the political climate has changed so dramatically in recent years that every deadly use of force incident is not only scrutinized but also prematurely criticized. In too many cases law enforcement officers face a slew of repercussions in even the clearest cases of justified use of force. 

Another challenge with use-of-force incidents is that they can be extremely difficult split-second decisions, leading to more speculation and criticism by elected officials.  

Miranda understood this dynamic and found a way to make positive change. 

“As soon as I went to their [VirTra] website and saw what their mission was and the product was, I was sold. I just knew I had to have that position,” she said.

Trudy Jacobson, philanthropist and longtime partner to LET added, “Miranda has a lot of invaluable experience in business. It’s wonderful to see her use that to improve law enforcement training.”

Miranda secured the marketing position and used her platform to recruit more police departments, more officers, and even military personnel to engage in virtual simulation training to improve skills, training, and tactics. 

“Some of the stories are so overwhelming, they are amazing! They’ve saved lives using our technology whether it was their own or people in their communities,” Miranda said. 

And as a marketing executive, she is making a major impact. 

“There was a comment made after a lot of effort, a lot of running and gunning, the company that we grew 1500% year over year, became INC 500’s fastest growing company in America. When somebody came up to us, who was of authority, of big power, and literally said to me, ‘I don’t know how you guys did it, it’s so unbelievable, it’s unbreakable,’” Miranda said.

One of the reasons Miranda and VirTra are so successful is because of the quality of their product. She not only knew there was a need for such a training product, but VirTra truly captured the reality of a police officer in a tense, split-second decision-making scenario involving potentially dangerous suspects.

“It’s a Public Safety simulator and it allows them [police] to train in so many different scenarios with so many different outcomes, that it is comparable to real life,” Miranda said. 

VirTra stands behind its training products and services, too. According to their website, it states, “We meticulously craft every scenario for maximum realism, with complex and extensive branching options so they can unfold entirely based on the user’s decisions.”

Trudy added, “After a successful run in business and entrepreneurialism, Miranda found a fulfilling career that is making an impact in law enforcement. And that’s what makes her a Great American Warrior.”

For more information on VirTra, visit their website

To learn more about LET partner and philanthropist Trudy Jacobson, visit her website


Writer Eddie Molina is a veteran and has over 25 years of combined LEO/military service. He owns and operates the LEO apparel and supply company 

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