A few years ago, only about half of Americans didn’t think there was a border crisis, except for no democrats, until recently when the Biden-Harris administration reversed all of the policies that President Donald Trump put into effect to prevent immigrants from crossing over.
Today just about everyone sees it—including democrats.
Citizens are concerned that America is taking better care of illegal immigrants than it is taking care of its people. Asylum seekers and “gotaways” are being granted free hotel stays, food, asylum papers, and freedom to roam the United States until court dates that will be set no later than 2037.
According to The National Pulse:
The vast majority of Americans–81 percent–believe that illegal immigration into the United States is becoming a “serious problem” for the country, according to a recent survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports, which found that majorities from all political parties share concerns about the number of people
Of those who believe it is a serious problem, more than half–52 percent–argue it is a “very serious” issue. Only 16 percent of those surveyed do not consider illegal migration a serious problem.
Rasmussen pollsters also asked the 996 likely U.S. voters, “Which political party do you trust more to handle immigration.” Only 37 percent of respondents said they trusted Joe Biden and the Democrats more than Republicans, compared to 49 percent with more trust in the GOP. That includes 54 percent of white people, 39 percent of black people, and 53 percent of “other minorities.”
As we see tens of thousands crossing the Mexico-Texas border, which we know of, crossing the border every single week, the risk of crime and terrorism continues to increase. The burden of taking care of American citizens and “gotaways” increases a burden that many around the country cannot bear.
The citizens from other countries include Central and South America, China, the Phillippines, Vietnam, Ukraine, and more.
As a result, a significant concern is that most “gotaways” are military-age men coming to America alone.
JD Rucker referred to a quote that was put this way, “When you are trying to flee from bad conditions, you take your family with you, but when you’re going to war, you don’t; you leave your family behind because it’s not about protecting them it’s about what you plan to do here in the United States of America.”
When Trump was in office, he had an idea to send immigrants to Democratic-run cities—since then, Republican governors Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida managed to divide Democratic officials by sending undocumented immigrants into blue cities and states.
Strained by the magnitude, Democratic mayors and governors have sometimes blamed the White House for not doing enough to ease the burden. The migrants need proper housing and other resources that all states find challenging to provide. Due to this, the crisis has sometimes forced “gotaways” to sleep on the streets.
461 days ago | Comment by: Ronald
Do you think violent criminals are among those who crossed into the northern and southern American border ? It doesn't take Rocket Science or a PHD to answer, does it ?
461 days ago | Comment by: Ronald
Do you think violent criminals are among those who crossed into the northern and southern American border ? It doesn't take Rocket Science or a PHD to answer, does it ?
461 days ago | Comment by: Ronald
Do you think violent criminals are among those who crossed into the northern and southern American border ? It doesn't take Rocket Science or a PHD to answer, does it ?
460 days ago | Comment by: Harry
It's all part of the Biden/Obama plan to DESTROY AMERICA !!!