Bombshell report: Incompetent LA Mayor Bass took 15 trips to Cuba in her youth, trained as radical

Karen Bass by is licensed under Sky News

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LOS ANGELES, CA- Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass (D) is not only an incompetent political hack, but she’s also a trained radical, according to an explosive expose from documentary filmmaker Errol Webber, The People’s Voice reports. 

Webber claims that in the 1970s, Bass took fifteen trips to Cuba, where she trained alongside future members of M19 and the Weather Underground, two domestic terror groups, in terrorist tactics. 

Bass, who has shown herself to be a complete failure when dealing with the devastating wildfires inundating her city, is now being exposed as a radical Marxist. 

Webber alleges that Bass made 15 trips to the communist country, traveling there every six months with the Venceremos Brigade, a radical group tied to Cuban strongman Fidel Castro. The group engaged in recruiting radical US and European leftists and training them in terrorist tactics to be used in their homelands. 

Bass attended several speeches by Castro while in the Caribbean nation, and upon his death, said it was a “great loss” for Cuba, an island that was turned from a beautiful tourist destination into a third-world hellhole during the Castro regime. The country still hasn’t recovered. 

The People’s Voice said the Venceremos Brigade’s ties to domestic terror groups are legendary, with Susan Rosenberg, a member of the M19 Communist Organization, being one of its disciples. Rosenberg was affiliated with the Weather Underground, which bombed the U.S. Capitol building in 1983. 

According to Smithsonian Magazine in 2020, “New Yorker Susan Rosenberg, one of M19’s earliest members, traveled to Cuba with the Castro-friendly Venceremos Brigade, and Italian-born Silvia Baraldini was part of a front for the militant Weather Underground.” 

In a controversial move, then-President Bill Clinton pardoned Rosenberg on his last day in office in January 2001. 

Rosenberg had close ties to Weather Underground founders Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, who eventually became close allies of former President Barack Obama before his presidency. Ayers and Dohrn were key in coordinating the Brigade’s U.S.-Cuba activities. Dohrn negotiated directly with the Cuban government to arrange trips for American radicals. 

Ayers and Dohrn soon took in Chesa Boudin as his legal guardian after his parents were convicted in the 1981 killing of a Brinks armored car guard in 1981. Boudin would eventually become the far-left progressive district attorney in San Francisco, whose pro-criminal policies led to voters recalling him in 2022. Boudin was among a number of far-left prosecutors put into office by Marxist billionaire and Biden Medal of Freedom honoree George Soros’ deep pockets. 

Bass has been slammed for being out of the country as her city burned, but what is sure to be even more infuriating for Los Angeles voters is why she was out of the country. TPV reports that Bass was in Ghana attending the inauguration of John Dramani Mahama, the Marxist-Leninist president of the country. 

Calls to investigate Bass’s radical past and her affiliations with domestic terror-tied groups are sure to intensify given her incompetent handling of the current wildfire crisis decimating Los Angeles. 

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Why on earth do the stupid voters elect such rats in the first place?


1.) She runs unopposed and promises the world to the stupid voters. 2.) Ballot Drop-box stuffing.


People who vote ignorantly deserve the government they get. VOTES MATTER!

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