IRS investigator turned whistle-blower has harsh reaction for DOJ, special counsel assigned in Hunter Biden case

WASHINGTON, DC – Gary Shapley is the former Internal Revenue Serice investigator that blew the whistle on Hunter Biden, shedding light on the amount of money he made while failing to pay taxes over several years. 

Now that US Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed David Weiss as Special Counsel in the Biden probe, Shapley is not staying quiet.

He told CNN’s Michael Smerconish, “So, yesterday’s announcement was an admission by Attorney General Garland, that they have not been truthful; the Department of Justice hasn’t been truthful with the American people. And it goes right to what you just said, that he did not have the authority to make the decisions, as he said in the October 7th, 2022 meeting. I know that October 7th, 2022, he told that group in that room, as corroborated by another individual that was in that room, that he requested special counsel authority after going to D.C.”

Shapley then proceeded to list the ways that he believes the DOJ and their processes have been less than truthful.

Earlier this year, Weiss said that he did not have the authority to bring charges any where except Deleware.
Shapley says otherwise.

“[Weiss] was denied that authority from main DOJ," Shapley said, "and he was told to follow the process. Now you discuss these letters on June 7th of this year and June 30th. The June 7th letter says, ‘I have full authority’. That was before Special Agent Ziegler and I testified in front of the House Ways and Means Committee. And then the June 30th letter is released after our testimony was voted out by that committee and made public.”

Both letters appear to make it clear that Weiss believed that he did, in fact, have the authority to bring charges. Shapley said that the language used in both these letters was of extreme importance. 

He pointed to the previous statement by Weiss saying that his jurisdiction for charges were limited to Deleware, saying that charges any where else would require him to partner with another US attorney in the district’s where a venue existied to bring charges.

“This announcement yesterday is absolute unquestionable vindication of Special Agent Ziegler and I coming forward," Shapley continued, "because this is the crux of the issue that we brought forward to House Ways and Means Committee and the House Oversight Committee.”

The former IRS agent then turned his attention form Weiss to Garland and the DOJ.

“This announcement runs afoul of everything that DOJ has told the American people about who has the the authority. It runs afoul of Attorney General Garland’s testimony in front of Congress on April 26th last year and March 1st of this year. And these letters just simply are not accurate based on the actions taken. If you recall, Attorney General Garland said…. that actually, ‘David Weiss had more authority than a Special Counsel had.’ So now he, he appoints him Special Counsel. Does he now have less authority than he had previously? It just doesn’t match up.”

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