Police-backing, Trump-supporting, patriotic artist Scott LoBaido documentary is about to drop serious fire

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New York City artist Scott LoBaido is known nationwide for his incredible patriotic artwork. In fact, his passion for displaying American patriotism bleeds across international waters. 

But he’s far more than a gifted artist with a love for America. He’s a fighter, a voice for democracy, a staunch advocate for the Constitution, and a mega-supporter of the veteran, first responder, and law enforcement community. 

Scott can be watched on his Instagram page voicing his strong opinions on the many troubling issues facing America. He wants his followers to know he will never give up on America no matter how bad things get – and things are bad and getting worse.

But he also understands talk is cheap. He’s more about taking action like getting out there on the street, holding rallies, challenging politicians, and isn’t afraid of the consequences. 

And he has a proven track record of fighting for everything he believes in – like supporting the police. 

During the turbulent era following the George Floyd incident, liberal politicians, celebrities, and influencers of all kinds collectively turned their backs on law enforcement. This wave of anti-police rhetoric led to a defund the police movement by mayors, congressmen and women, senators – just about every liberal politician. But not Scott LoBaido, a strong conservative American.

Ex-NYC Mayor DeBlasio 

Back in 2020, then NYC Mayor DeBlasio, aptly nicknamed DeBozo, wanted to defund police. DeBlasio then participated in helping paint a large Black Lives Matter street mural in front of Trump Tower. 

In response to that politically motivated move, Scott LoBaido then painted a long Thin Blue Line on a highway in front of an NYPD precinct to show his continued support of police everywhere. 

The mayor’s office sent a letter to LoBaido threatening legal consequences if he didn’t remove the Thin Blue Line off the street. Scott refused to be bullied and argued that if the Mayor can paint on a NYC street, so can he. 

Scott LoBaido won that battle. 

Dallas Police Murders

After the senseless violent murders of five Dallas police officers years earlier, LoBaido packed up his painting gear and headed down to Dallas. He found a large building wall and painted a 50-foot Thin Blue Line mural to honor the slain officers. He then released five blue balloons in memory of them. 

In referencing violence against police and painting the Thin Blue Line, Scott said in his documentary trailer, “This line is to show respect and honor those who died. [They] got shot in the f***ing head, protecting us! You try to take that f***ing Thin Blue Line down, I’ll paint it till the day I die!”

Scott continues to fight for the law enforcement community. His support was amplified in 2020 when other high-profile public figures turned their backs on the entire law enforcement profession. 

But not LoBaido.

He led the charge and told America that you can’t define an entire profession after one incident.

But he is far more than an LEO supporter. He advocates against the liberal woke mob, supports the Constitution, and is a true American patriot. 

That is why Christopher Martini, another patriot, created a documentary on Scott LoBaido, appropriately called The Relentless Patriot

“By telling Scott’s story, I was able to, in one film, tackle a variety of important subjects that concern me. I was able to expand my body of work, highlighting the importance of supporting our military and our Veterans, but also explore pressing issues such as the attack on our law enforcement, on Judeo-Christian values, and the Liberties that my grandfather, a World War II Veteran, fought for,” Chris told LET in an exclusive statement. 

He continued, “Scott’s journey in art and activism leads the audience through the entire spectrum of human emotion. I am beyond thrilled that through the stewardship of Global Ascension studios, this film will reach the American public, who are starving for stories that speak to them honestly, and without an agenda.”

The Relentless Patriot premiers in major theatres across America on Thursday, June 13th. Visit Fandango.com to find a theater near you.

To watch The Relentless Patriot trailer on YouTube, click HERE.

Follow target="_blank">Scott LoBaido and Christopher Martini on Instagram and visit ScottLobaido.com for more information.

And click HERE to check out Christopher Martini’s other films. 


Writer Eddie Molina has over 20 years of law enforcement and military experience. He now owns and operates the LEO apparel and accessory company www.buyherostuff.com
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