Maryland transgender high school student arrested for alleged school shooting plan

ROCKVILLE, MD - A Rockville high school student's arrest on April 17, 2024, for allegedly planning a school shooting has brought to light significant concerns regarding mental health, school safety, and the efficacy of early intervention strategies.

Andrea Ye, is a female student who presents as male and goes by the name of Alex. The 18-year-old from Rockville, Maryland, was taken into custody by Montgomery County police after a 129-page manifesto detailing a potential attack on Wootton High School was brought to their attention.

The discovery of the manifesto, shared with authorities by someone who had interacted with Ye at a psychiatric facility, raised alarms due to its detailed nature, despite Ye's assertion that it was a work of fiction.

The document not only outlined plans for an attack on Wootton High School but also included references to Lakewood Elementary School.

The 129-page manifesto included writings that said, in part, "I want to shoot up a school. I've been preparing for months... As I walk through the hallways, I cherry pick the classrooms that are the easiest targets. I need to figure out how to sneak the gun in. I have contemplated making bombs. The instructions to make them are surprisingly available online.

"I have also considered shooting up my former elementary school because little kids make easier targets. High school's the best target; I'm the most familiar with the layout. I pace around my room like an evil mastermind. I've put so much effort into this. My ultimate goal would be to set the world record for the most amount of kills in a shooting. If I have time, I'll try to decapitate my victims with a knife to turn the injuries into deaths."

Ye's online activity, as revealed by police charging documents, included searches related to bomb-making instructions and information about previous school shootings.

Particularly concerning were references to the March 2023 attack at Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee.

During this tragic event, Audrey Hale, a biological woman identifying as a transgender man named "Aiden," perpetrated a violent act that resulted in the deaths of three nine-year-old children and three adults before being fatally shot by police.

Ye's searches included information about the Nashville shooting and a behavioral threat assessment conducted on Hale, indicating a disturbing fixation on violent incidents and individuals involved in similar tragedies.

Reports suggest that Ye had been receiving mental health treatment since December 2022, following concerns raised about alleged threats she made.

The collaboration between law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), underscores the multi-agency response required to address threats of this nature effectively.

The quick action taken by authorities, prompted by the tip provided by an individual familiar with Ye's situation, is credited with preventing a potential tragedy.

In response to the incident, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) posted a statement online, calling the charges extremely serious.

In the statement, the school district emphasized the importance of collaboration between schools and law enforcement to identify and address potential threats. MCPS has also provided support to students and families affected by the situation, offering counseling services and resources to help cope with the aftermath.

"A potential catastrophic event was prevented," Montgomery County Police Chief Marcus Jones said in a news conference.
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A mother SICK ,MENTAL DERANGED NUT job walking around doing what they do best ! Thank U demacRATS !


I wonder what psych meds she is on. Seems a lot of these squirrels are taking meds to keep them calm, but they really do the opposite. Of course, no study has ever been done!

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