WASHINGTON, DC - The mainstream media is already starting to circle the wagons for Kamala Harris as she seeks the presidency against President Donald Trump. This is gaslighting to the 100th power.
As most are aware, Harris was placed in charge of the southern border by Joe Biden shortly after he was installed and decided to open the border as one of his first acts. In fact, a number of media outlets and pundits gave her the title of “border czar.” Now, however, those same outlets are pulling back on that title, claiming that Harris “never actually had” the title of “border czar,” the New York Post reports. Pure semantics.
One of those outlets was far-left Axios, which claimed this week that our laughing hyena vice president never held the title of “border czar.” Ah, but the pesky internet sleuths quickly went to work and pointed out an April 2021 article on Axios which said that Harris was “appointed by Biden as border czar.”
That little tidbit forced the outlet to issue an editor’s note acknowledging that “Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a ‘border czar’ back in 2021.” You see, she wasn’t actually the border czar…she was “incorrectly” referred to as that by the media.
The devil is in the details. When Harris was tasked with dealing with the border in March 2021, Biden directed her to look into the issues that were, at the time, driving illegals from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico. However Biden also said she would be charged with stopping the influx of illegals crossing the US-Mexico border.
“I asked her, the VP, today–because she’s the most qualified person to do it–to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help–are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern Border,” Biden said at the time.
Now that Harris is the Democratic nominee and with the porous southern border being a major campaign issue, the media is in full-throated defense mode.
Besides Axios, the Wall Street Journal, CBS News and others are giving cover to Harris. USA Today published one of their “fact checks” claiming that “Harris’ border work was on ‘root causes’ of migration; she wasn’t in charge.”
“Harris was never put in charge of the border or made ‘border czar’ immigration experts said. President Joe Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration’s diplomatic efforts addressing the ‘root causes’ of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras,” the left-wing USA Today said in its “fact check.”
Harris’ trip to Guatemala led her to issue a “stern” warning to those illegals desiring to go to the US–”Do not come,” she admonished. That worked splendidly, since over 8 million illegals have entered the US under the Biden administration’s watch, the New York Post reported.
Much of the US response to the border has been to throw taxpayer dollars at Central American countries for “job opportunities, [to] crack down on corruption, [and] address crime issues that are pushing” illegals out of the region.
In June 2021, NBC News reporter Lester Holt suggested to Harris that she had yet to visit the southern border. Harris insisted “we’ve been to the border,” and after Holt pressed her on the fact that she had not been to the border, she snapped back that she’d “never been to Europe either.” (starts at 00:17 mark)
Nobody in the administration has ever denied that Harris was the equivalent of a “border czar” despite protestations of the media. When Biden announced she would take over the border issue, he said:
“So it’s not her full responsibility and job, but she’s leading the effort because I think the best thing to do is put someone who, when he or she speaks, they don’t have to wonder about is that where the president is. When she speaks, she speaks for me.”
Sounds like a “czar” to me in the Washington, DC definition of the word.
Probably the biggest gaslighting job came from TIME Magazine reporter Vera Gergengruen, a clear Harris shill.
The piece outlines a statement made by former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley at the Republican National Convention earlier this month, were she said:
“Kamala had one job. One job. And that was to fix the border. Now imagine her in charge of the entire country.”
However, don’t let your eyes or ears deceive you. According to Time, “Harris was never put in charge of the border or immigration policy. Nor was she involved with overseeing law-enforcement efforts or guiding the federal response to the crisis.”
Gergengruen wrote that Harris’ “mandate was much narrower” than what Biden said it was, apparently. She was only “to focus on examining and improving the underlying conditions in the Northern Triangle of Central America…”
However, our writer tells us that her task “was an especially thankless one,” since it would “take a generation to yield results.” Worse yet, Gergengruen worried, “it would make Harris the face of the border crisis, one of the Biden administration’s biggest political vulnerabilities.”
However, fear not, taxpayers. According to Muzaffar Chishti, a senior fellow at the “nonpartisan” Migration Policy Institute:
“To the extent that this was a useful assignment, she did reasonably well in getting the private sector to invest in Central America. But it was an assignment that could not produce results anytime soon.”
Only “private sector” investments? Sure.
Fear not…the US taxpayers were on the hook as well.
“Harris spearheaded a public-private partnership that, as of March 2024, had secured commitments from major U.S. and multinational companies to invest more than $5 billion in the region,” Gergengruen wrote.
The U.S. was also able to interfere in a foreign election by “help[ing] prevent Guatemalan prosecutors from overturning the results of last year’s presidential election, which was won by anti-corruption outsider Bernardo Arevalo.” Election interference is apparently fine when Democrats do it.
For example, “The U.S. applied public pressure through sanctions and visa restrictions on officials they accused of undermining the democratic process, as well as behind the scenes.” (CIA, anyone?)
“Harris’s team was directly involved, especially her national security adviser Philip Gordon, who traveled to the region to push for a peaceful democratic transfer of power, according to the two former U.S. officials.”
Harris, unfortunately, took the eye off the ball where other countries were concerned. While illegal entry by citizens from Northern Triangle countries stabilized, by December 2023 54% of encounters with illegals at the southern border involved citizens from countries other than Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, CBP data showed.
Ricardo Zuniga, former U.S. special envoy to Central America says Harris is “dealing with a narrative problem,” with Gergengruen claiming that “Republican broadsides about the border crisis” was to blame, since Harris was framed as the face of the border crisis.
Gergengruen wrote that Harris supported the so-called “bipartisan border-security deal” which was nothing other than an amnesty bill with “border security” as half-assed window dressing. Republicans rightfully voted it down, since it would have allowed over 1.5 million illegals per year into the country and would have provided a pathway to citizenship.
As a United States Senator, Harris opposed any efforts by the Trump administration to secure the border and in fact called Trump’s border wall initiative a “medieval vanity project.”
Democrats have proven inept at solving the border crisis. In 2014, Biden was put in charge of addressing a surge of children and families surging the border by Barack Obama, again by addressing “the root causes of this immigration in the first place,” Biden said at the time. That didn’t work then and it is not working now.
Chisthi said that “the problem is that no one cares about the root causes. It’s too abstract. And frankly, very little can be done about them in the short run, while the public is focused on what is happening with the border today.”
Especially when you have an inept “border czar” in Kamala Harris. The media can try to throw her cover all they want, but it simply is not working.
As National Review noted, “if she [Harris] wasn’t the border czar, what was she doing staging a perfunctory photo op at the border after months of resisting it?” That photo op took place in El Paso, hundreds of miles from where the true border crisis was taking place.
“Since she assumed that role, there have been around 8 million illegal-alien apprehensions at the southern border. It’s clear the whole root-causes narrative was just a PR ploy to justify nonenforcement of immigration laws” National Review noted.
While Harris may have addressed the root causes in the Northern Triangle, her incompetence in carrying out her assignment has led to illegals coming to the United States from all over the world. She is also what National Review called “an immigration extremist.”
She favors “taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal aliens, closing all contract detention centers for illegals awaiting deportation; decriminalizing illegal infiltration across the border, abolishing ICE, which she has likened to the Klan; granting law licenses to illegal aliens, and much more,” National Review said.
The media may try to gaslight the American people that Harris is not “in charge” of the border, but we know better. Expect the mainstream media to step up their propaganda over the next 100 days.
243 days ago | Comment by: Robert
And the so-called "Fact Checker's" tried to say Biden was mentally fit for duty too! Fact checker's are nothing but paid MSM way of getting the real facts taken down!
242 days ago | Comment by: Harry
It is a well known fact that the entire Biden/Obama administration and the DemocRAT party in general are pathological liars ! When they tell you something, anything, the exact opposite is true ! So, one must expect anything said about Kamala Harris is a lie and the opposite is the truth !!!
242 days ago | Comment by: Harry
What I previously said about the Biden/Obama administration and the DemocRAT party also applies to the left-leaning media such as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC !