Illinois NAACP president caught calling migrants 'savages' and 'rapists', claims it was AI... then issues an apology

CHICAGO, IL - In a video provided to ABC7, Teresa Haley, president of the Illinois National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), can be heard using derogatory and disparaging comments about migrants invading Chicago. She was immediately criticized for those comments and is now facing calls for her resignation. 

The video, which was of a recent Zoom call meeting with NAACP leaders from around the state, Halely had answered a question from one of the participants. It was during that moment when she began talking about all the migrants coming to the Windy City, saying how they are "living on the streets" and that "black people have been in similar predicaments for a long time and no one cares."

Haley said, "But, these immigrants have come over here, they've been raping people, they've been breaking into homes. They're like savages as well. They don't speak the language and they look at us like we were crazy."

According to FOX News, the recording was made public by former NAACP DuPage County president Patrick Watson. He said in a statement, "This was an organization that was founded to combat the very things that she said. Those were things that were said about black people."

Illinois Governor JB Pritzker called Haley's comments about migrants "extraordinarily inappropriate." He said in a statement, "Reprehensible remarks. I would hope that she would apologize for the remarks. I also think that people should recognize that immigrants to this country are all around us."

Haley, who was reportedly reached by phone while on vacation in Dubai, denied making the comments and when being confronted about how the comments came from her being on video, she blamed artificial intelligence (AI), saying, "With AI, anything is possible."

Walton, who resigned over those types of comments and other issues with Haley, said, "I think she should absolutely resign. I think she's unfit to be the president, the state president of the NAACP, someone that has that kind of sentiment and that kind of though against migrant communities."

On Friday, December 15th, Haley reportedly apologized profusely, saying that she "loves and values immigrants." She said, "First and foremost, I express my sincere apology to anyone who may have been hurt or offended by my comments. I love and value all members of our communities, including immigrants."

She said that she remains "an advocate for denouncing injustices, racism, and discrimination" and is "empathetic to the plight of all people." Haley added, "I have worked tirelessly to advovate for the underserved and the voiceless. I remain focused on denocning injustices, racism, and discrimination. I am empathetic to the plight of all people and I proudly serve as a beacon of hope to the hopeless."

Haley aslo serves as president of NAACP Springfield branch. She is seeking election to the national NAACP board of directors. According to CBS News, during that recorded Zoom meeting, Haley also said, "I'm trying not to be a (expletive), but you know I'm pro-black. So it's all about us, people."
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Funny how she gets to keep her job


Funny how she gets to keep her job


Funny how she gets to keep her job


So much for inclusion lol. They are getting what they asked for .


So much for inclusion lol. They are getting what they asked for .


So much for inclusion lol. They are getting what they asked for .


So much for inclusion lol. They are getting what they asked for .


So much for inclusion lol. They are getting what they asked for .

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