New law enforcement podcast has hit - and it is NOT for keyboard warriors

The Warrior Servant Leader Podcast, hosted by Pat Welsh, has just launched on all your favorite podcast platforms and you should take the time to check it out. Pat has been a longtime supporter of Law Enforcement Today and has written many featured articles for us over the years.

He is a man whose extraordinary life has shaped his mission to help others lead with courage, service, and purpose. Left in an orphanage in Dublin, Ireland, at just three days old and adopted by an American family 16 months later, Pat’s life journey taught him that true leadership begins long before you hold a title. It begins with resilience, faith, and service to others.

Pat brings over 40 years of experience as a lawyer, police executive, nationally recognized speaker, and criminal justice trainer, sharing battle tested leadership lessons and personal stories that show you how to lead at home, on the job, in your faith life, and in your community.

Every week, Pat delivers, TACO Tuesday (Take Action Crush Obstacles) where you will get real talk and practical tools to break through life’s toughest challenges. Special episodes of Wednesday Wisdom will also air, where Pat unpacks leadership insights gained from decades in the trenches and on the frontlines. Additionally, Tough Love Thursday will air, where Pat delivers honest conversations about the mindset and heart-set needed to lead with honor and faith. Pat shares what you need to hear, not always what you want to hear.

More than a podcast, this is a community for those who want to live and lead with purpose. Whether you wear a badge, work in the corporate world, or lead your family, you will walk away with tactical strategies and inspiring stories to help you stand up and show up stronger every single day, defending what you believe, while putting the wants and needs of others before your own, and impacting the lives of others.

This is not a show for armchair experts or keyboard warriors.

This is for real people who face real challenges and are ready to take real action. If you want to become a Warrior, Servant, and Leader in every part of your life, you belong here. Here is the link to his web site and first episode that dropped on March 4, 2025. Buckle up, Pat is the real deal.
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OH really ..... Well, First off WE AMERICANS don't elect or hire leaders ..... They are representatives and servants .... WE AMERICANS are the LEADERS ...... I bet NONE of you are going to crush me ..... IF you NOT for the BILL of RIGHTS, you're just another two bit punk .... The pigs will NEVER lead ANYTHING with honor ..... HOW the he77 does OATH violating FILTH figure they have ANY honor ????


It’s clearly stating in the title it’s not for wusses like you. Go to BLM/Antifa podcasts where you can pretend to be brave and not a racist pos.


Then you better stay away for sure, big mike .... I bet split tail don't meet the criteria for sure .... I never claimed to be a hero .... THAT is what you punk, false glory grabbing sacks of feces do .... It doesn't take much courage or effort for a fellow like me to get the bulge on a pack of two bit scarecrows like you all ....


Awww, you poor little fat gerbil. So full of hate for people you don’t know. Bless your little low IQ heart, keep pounding those keys keyboard warrior! I’m sure one day you’ll scare your shadow


My I.Q. beats yours hands down , big mike .... I'm not fat either like you lazy crown worshiping kanucks .... I bet your waistline is over 40 inches ..... That's an old jew kvetch to call the truth hate speech and racist ..... I suppose, if punks are a race then maybe .....


No, little fat gerbil girl, it doesn’t exceed anything since it’s in the negative. And feel free to show your bias against Canada as much as you like, I could care less since I’m not from Canada you poor little lost toad. Such an anti-Semitic hate filled sack you are, bless your fat racist, bigoted, negative IQ heart.


CENSORING PANSY FILTH ........ Your useless streetwalking mothers should have strangled the life out of you UN AMERICAN, communist FILTH and deposited it in the nearest dumpster while you were yet in the cradle ..... SHOWS what loosers you are .... You wusses cannot beat a MAN on a level field .... You ALL have to have a lowlife cheat ....


NOW, As I was saying michelle .... I am surrounded by love and companionship .... The reason I do this is so that none of those people get hurt or killed by one of you useless FILTH pigs, and AMERICANS have to bring JUSTICE upon you for the CRIME .... The pigs are a for profit,UNLAWFUL corporation, CRIMINALLY MASQUERADING as government .... AMERICANS could be and should be running your OATH violating hind ends into the sea and blowing your heads off for THAT ALONE ..... So knock off the name calling and labeling and address the facts .... Your ALL just hind end hurt two bit scarecrow punks that can't even have an honest conversation ........ GROW UP ..... ALL OF ya ........


Awww, did you get your little fat feelers hurt turtle? Bless your heart, Canada still has MAID for the severely mentally ill and you qualify easily. You’ll make the world a better place when you get it.


I have got it, big mike .... THAT is what breaks your heart .... I suppose you'll quit writing when your grown tired of a fantasy unfulfilled .... Until then, Enjoy your wet dream .....


Poor little confused turtle. It must be really embarrassing having this outlet publish the story about you. When you figure out what you are, be sure to not let us know because we don’t care what you mentally ill people think or identify as. That’s why you should go to Canada, they love them some mentally ill people and have the MAID program there just for you. Bless your heart confused little fat turtle.


The TRUTH for you punks .... WATCH IT AND WEEP ( ) Get a face full of it chumps ........

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