Nonprofit In-Vest USA has been saving police lives for decades - here's how

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Anyone who works in government, whether local, state, or federal, knows that there is one universal truth – the budget is critical, and agencies have to spend as little money as possible. 

This is a hard truth with any publicly-funded organization. And that reality trickles down to the line workers. And in the context of law enforcement, that means the patrolmen and women of law enforcement. 

Police officers typically don’t get the latest and greatest equipment or advanced technology. And they may not even get an item most civilians assume is mandatory, like bulletproof vests. 

But for years, the nonprofit organization In-Vest USA has been stepping in to change that by providing officers and even first responders with vests, one hero at a time. 

“In-vest USA is a 501C3 nonprofit that’s been in existence for 30 years. We've donated literally tens of thousands of vests across the country, along our border, California, New York, Chicago all the way down to Florida across this great land of ours,” founder and CEO Michael Letts said. 

He continued, “When we started In-Vest, 52% had no vests at all. We brought those figures down to roughly 19% of what we call concealable vests, that was the only vest available at the time.” 

According to their website, they “will not stop until every law enforcement officer in America is provided a free personal active shooter vest.”


Michael and his organization have been ramping up their fundraising efforts to combat the current climate of rising crime. He understands that many state governments have been easing up on fighting crime and letting dangerous criminals back onto the streets after getting arrested for the ump-teenth time. 

This puts police officers on the street at greater risk than ever before. 

“The criminal element of the last few years has gotten more adept at making sure that they fulfill their mission of eliminating as many officers as possible and making our communities as unsafe as possible. To do that they are using long-range rifles. A long-range rifle will go right through a concealable vest,” Michael said.

More advanced vests are becoming available and are now referred to as active shooter vests. However, having an active shooter vest is a luxury most agencies don’t have. In fact, 90% of officers don’t have access to these heavy-duty vests.

So Michael Letts and his team at In-Vest USA have been working diligently to raise funds to purchase and provide vests to law enforcement officers across America. 

And they are honored to help and support the police. 

“We’re there millions of Americans who support our charity and our cause to make sure that we demonstrate to the Thin Blue Line how proud we are that they're willing to sacrifice and put their lives on the line literally every day to ensure that you and I are safe, protected and free,” Michael said. 

Visit their website and consider a donation. You can also learn about the other programs In-Vest USA started like Bless the Vest, Pennies for Police, and so on. We will cover these other programs in an upcoming LET article. 

We encourage you to donate and share this information so we can continue helping each other. It may save a life – even yours. 

Visit for more information. Follow them on Facebook or email them at info


Writer Eddie Molina is a veteran and has over 25 years of combined LEO/military service. He owns and operates the LEO apparel and supply company 
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