First they decriminalized drugs. Now one state's drug treatment center costs taxpayers $7,000 per call.

Oregon may be the most progressive state in all of America. In 2020, the state leadership voted to decriminalize all drug possession in the ‘’Beaver State.’’

In response, according to the Associated Press, the state is ‘’Awash in treatment funds after decriminalizing drugs.’’

In the same report, the Associated Press went on to say that Oregon has allocated $265 million to recovery centers. Most of the funds were gained with money coming from taxes charged on Marijuana dispensaries around the state.

Despite the massive influx of new funding, the Economist reported that overdose deaths in the state of Oregon have nearly doubled since 2019, which is now twice the national average.

One major key to decriminalization was the states push to roll out a drug treatment hotline number which would allow addicts who have received drug citations to seek treatment discreetly.

Unfortunately, the hotline has been a major failure for lawmakers who pushed the idea. The Economist has found that less than 200 people have called the hotline, and only about 40 had interest in receiving treatment.

These numbers are calculated to taxpayers footing a bill of around $7,000 per call made.  Quality of life in the inner cities of Oregon has been well chronicled since drugs have been decriminalized.

The New York Times wrote a scathing piece exposing that people need to step over needles and feces to walk the streets.

Residents have reported homeless encampments are fraught with violence, including fights involving baseball bats, and beatings inside tents. Additionally, children are made to witness drugs being used at all times of the day.

Currently, the use, and or possession of fentanyl, the most dangerous drug in America, is only punishable by a citation in the state of Oregon.
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