Police publication allows unhinged anti-Trump post on LinkedIn page, going against overwhelming majority of cops

Allen Kates, Police1 by is licensed under LinkedIn

When a once-respected law enforcement publication like Police 1 veers off course, it's our collective responsibility to set the record straight. This was the case with a recent LinkedIn post on Police1 Network, where Allen R. Kates, a figure whose views are overwhelmingly at odds with the majority of our readers, made a controversial comparison between President Trump and Adolf Hitler.

As most of our readers are aware, Law Enforcement Today and the Fraternal Order of Police have both endorsed Trump. The fact that Kates cites an article from HuffPo is a clear indication of his stance. We question why Police 1 allowed this post to be published on their page. 

To be fair, Kates has written a book called CopShock: Surviving Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, which we understand has been helpful to some officers with that disability. That does not, however, excuse Kates, nor does it excuse Police 1 for allowing this post to remain on their page. 

In the post, Kates cites the jump made by the HuffPo writer who claimed that because “industrialists” played a role in elevating Hitler to power, the same is “true” of Trump. Get it? Hitler was an evil dictator, therefore, so is Trump. This is Liberal Logic 101. Ironically, Kates appears to be unfamiliar with who took Trump out of power in 2020; big tech oligarchs.

“In a word, their interests were Greed, which is the prime interest of American industrialists and tech entrepreneurs,” he wrote. 

Rewind to 2020, and who were the “tech entrepreneurs” in bed with? From Twitter to Facebook, Google to YouTube, the tech oligarchs worked overtime interfering in the 2020 election in an attempt to undermine Trump. Yet Kates claims that “industrialists and tech entrepreneurs” supported President Trump. 

In the current election cycle, Democrat Kamala Harris has raised a reported $1 billion in campaign funds. Does Kates believe that money came solely from small money donations? If he does, we have some oceanfront property in the Sahara Desert to sell him. 

A journey through Kates LinkedIn posts (remember, LinkedIn is supposed to be a “professional” social media platform) shows that he has a terminal case of Trump derangement syndrome. He claims that Trump is an anti-Semite despite his daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren all being Jewish. Trump is also a strong supporter of Israel and its right to exist. The same cannot be said of Cackling Kamala Harris. Harris blew off Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s congressional speech, an unprecedented snub by a vice president. Who is the anti-Semite again? 

Perhaps Mr. Kates should take some of his own medicine because, as a “PTSD & Trauma Expert,” he appears to have a terminal case of both. 

Kates’ post on Police 1’s LinkedIn page spurred a lot of animosity among Police 1 followers:

“I will no longer be following Police1 after this article has been posted. This is insulting to our profession. I will also be canceling my training account and find other resources for my training. I refuse to be indoctrinated by this political rhetoric.”- Brian R.

“Police1 Network has gone awry, first bashing cops in the Tyreek Hill incident without a fair and adequate response based on factual data, now continuing with political rhetoric on one-sided issues. Time to find a new Police Information Site.”- Matthew G. 

In response to Matthew G., the following was written:

“...the issue is that they’re allowing anyone to join the group instead of keeping it a community for LE. Those are the people posting nonsensical stuff in the group.”- Matt V. 

“I’m really not sure why police1 has decided to post this mess. As law enforcement we are to remain politically neutral. The job is to uphold the law and the constitution…”-D. Robert

That sparked the following response from Kates: 

“The Police Benevolent Association of New York City has endorsed fascist Trump. That’s as political as it gets.” 

Kates did not express similar sentiments about the phony “police leaders” group of political hacks that recently announced support for Harris. 

Kates’ comment led to the following comeback from D. Robert:

“...great, they have that right. I can see how upset you are that they have chosen someone other than your preferred candidate…” 

“Well it’s [a] good thing we aren’t a democracy. Also, the democrats are working hard to push this nation into socialism by wiping out the middle class and reducing the populous [sic] to a two class system.”-Jim H.

Kates couldn’t help himself:

“Jim, you’ve been brainwashed by Trump promises and lies.” 

Old Allen must be unfamiliar with the doozies dropped by Harris this campaign. 

Jim H. responded:

“LOL. No sir. I’m an observer. My opinion is based on what I’ve observed and how the last four years have become financially difficult. If anyone is brainwashed, it would be you. Hell, you even believe we live in a democracy.” 

“Hopefully, Police One will get rid of the probable recent college graduate who they thought would be a good idea to run their LinkedIn account and publish this article.”- Mark H. 

“Police 1, you need to be better…this is shameful.”- Richard G.

“Where this came from says it all. Police 1, why is this being posted under your name?”- Steve D. 

“I’m out!!”-Charles W.

It's important to note that while Kates does not hold a position with Police 1, his post was allowed to be published under their name. As a publication that caters to public safety, it's crucial for Police 1 to uphold its professional standards and ensure that all content aligns with the values and expectations of its audience. 

While we realize that not every cop supports President Trump, it is clear that an overwhelming majority do, given his unwavering support for rank-and-file police officers. People like Kates attempt to obfuscate that support by taking Trump’s concerns about being targeted by the Department of Justice and their FBI hitmen and twisting that into claiming he doesn’t support law enforcement. That is simply not true. 

Kamala Harris has a documented history of taking the side of criminals over police officers. All one needs to do is look at the 2020 George Floyd riots, and when she told Jacob Blake, a scumbag who police officers shot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after he was involved in a domestic disturbance and refused to drop a knife, she was “proud” of him. 

Kates may not like the fact that police officers overwhelmingly support Donald Trump, but cops know who has their backs…and it isn’t Kamala Harris. 

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Excellent article ! The Trump haters always seem to find a way to be heard, even if what they have to say is lies and other BS !!

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