Russian news outlets and talking heads cavalierly suggest Russia will target U.S. with nuclear weapons

In a recent piece by Michael Snyder for Freedom First Network, the topic of the Ukraine/Russian conflict received an oft-little discussed perspective – at least here stateside – relating to the potential danger of the U.S. becoming a target of Russia’s nuclear capabilities.

While U.S.-based news outlets often divert to discussing the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine in terms of whether or not America is doing and/or funding enough abroad to assist Ukraine, talking heads on Russian news outlets apparently are speculating whether the Russian government will target the U.S. for actions perceived as to be running a proxy war.

Snyder references the ongoing coverage of the Russia/Ukraine conflict as broadcast in Russia, asserting that officials abroad “regard the war in Ukraine as an existential conflict between Russia and NATO,” adding that “there is constant talk on Russian television about the possibility of nuclear war.”

Pointing to an article from Newsweek that referenced Russian news outlet National Defense editor Igor Korotchenko, the “Kremlin propagandist has issued the latest nuclear threat against the West regarding the war in Ukraine, warning that the U.S. could be in danger of a Russian missile attack.”

In a news clip from an appearance on Russia 1, Korotchenko reportedly stated, “The most important message we should send to the Americans is that we will not wage war with you in Europe.”

Korotchenko was reportedly even more candid in his words when speaking the 60 Minutes, saying, “In response to your attacks on Russian military or civilian facilities, the first strike will be a preventative limited strike against targets on the territory of the United States of America.”

These sorts of threats shouldn’t be taken lightly, as Russia reportedly announced recently that their Sarmat strategic missile system, which apparently has the capability to reach U.S. soil if launched, has been placed on combat duty.

Major General Alexander Vladimirov is also among those in Russia making claims that the U.S. could be targeted by the country for their meddling in the ongoing war with Ukraine, asserting that nuclear war isn’t just a possibility but rather is inevitable.

“I am sure that nuclear weapons will be used in this war – inevitably, and from this neither we nor the enemy have anywhere to go. The sooner our politicians and leadership realize this, the sooner we start to train troops and the population for this – the more chances we will have for survival, which means victory.”

Meanwhile, the Biden administration seems intent on poking the bear with China, insofar as approving $80 million in a weapons package for Taiwan under the color of a program typically meant to behoove sovereign nations.

Needless to say, the Chinese aren’t exactly thrilled by the Biden administration’s move, and in recent years the country has been drawn closer to allyship with Russia. All of the aforesaid could potentially spell out a possibility for a WWIII.
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