Son of murdered NYPD officer urges parole board to keep his father's killer behind bars

STATEN ISLAND, NY - A convicted cop-killer in New York serving 25 years to life in Attica Correctional Facility is up for parole this month. The son of murdered NYPD Officer Gerard Carter is seeking to keep him behind bars.

In a statement delivered to a parole board Friday, Louis Carter, 32, who was five years old when his father was killed in the line of duty, made an impassioned plea for 43-year-old Shatiek Johnson to stay imprisoned. According to The Staten Island Advance, Carter told the board, “For the past 27 years, my family has lived with the devastating reality that my father is never coming home. But today, you have a choice — to protect the people of this city from a dangerous individual, or to release someone who has already proven their willingness to kill."
In a post to X, The New York City Police Benevolence Association called upon public to demand the Parole Board keep Johnson incarcerated, writing, “Shatiek Johnson, killer of P.O. Gerard Carter, is coming up for parole in a few weeks. Use the link below to tell the Parole Board that this vicious cop-killer belongs behind bars, and check the box to keep ALL cop-killers in prison.”

As reported by SILive, Johnson, a 17-year-old at the time of Carter’s murder, came across a 28-year-old Officer Carter while he was seated in his marked police van in the courtyard of a housing project. He was working as a member of an impact team in New York City Public Housing complexes to deter drug activity and other crimes. Without warning, Johnson approached the vehicle and opened fire on the Officer, leaving him mortally wounded and fleeing the scene.

The assailant was involved in gang activity and had previously been convicted of manslaughter after beating a homeless man to death over a matter of $10 the outlet reported. In addition to his arrest in connection to Carter’s death, he also confessed to the murder of an opposing gang leader leading to another manslaughter conviction as well.

In a statement to the board, the PBA President Patrick Hendry called the parole timeframe “shameful.” He told the state officials, “Police Officer Gerard Carter was a hero who never got a second chance at life.” He added, “It is absolutely shameful that this three-time killer gets a fresh chance at freedom every few years.”

“The time between parole hearings should be lengthened to minimize the trauma on suffering family members like Louis and Jozette.”

Carter’s widow Jozette Carter-Williams was present with her son Louis to provide testimony to the board on Friday. She told SILive that Johnson “would not thrive in today’s society,” adding, “Let us, at the very least, have the security of knowing that the man who stole Gerard from us will never have the chance to take from another family what he took from ours,” she said. “Let our family have the peace we have fought so hard to find.”
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Just one gang shooting up the other gang .... GOOD riddance to both .......


From the whiny wuss who hides behind a keyboard. Go get your MAID treatment in Canada so the world is a better place, bless your heart.


I am NOT hiding from anybody, big mike ..... As a matter of fact, I'm REAL easy to find if you put those pig deductive skills to work ,,,, That is IF you have any ..... SO COME .... TRY to violate MY rights, big mike .... It's you punks that are hiding ...... I go ALL over the place in my automobile and I don't have or need a drivers license, registration or insurance, BECAUSE I CAN .... I DON'T need you punks permission for ANYTHING .... SO big mike, and the rest too .... I carry my weapons in the open or concealed, how ever I want .... NOBODY is going to do anything about it .... F.A.F.O. ...................


It’s you who threatens people on here gerbil girl. It’s you who displays how you hate everything and everyone. If it’s so bad here, move to another country gerbil. It must be so lonely and miserable to be such a fat angry gerbil that no one wants anything to do with you. So you come to this site to spew your hatred and threats at people you don’t know. How sad you don’t have a life other than misery. Bless your little fat gerbil heart.


You're pathetic big mike .... I have a world of love and companionship around me .... Too bad you and other pigs can't say the say ...... REPENT of your evil and wicked ways .... There is salvation for you too .... Choose LIFE pigs ..... To come unlawfully messing with ME or other AMERICANS will only bring you the other .... Do you even know what The BILL of RIGHTS is, big mike ????


Pathetic is coming to a site to spew hatred at people you don’t know and think it changes anything. You have no salvation turtle. I recognize that the article about the “mental health professional” is about you Jabba.


You can't address issues so you resort to name calling and labeling .... THAT is pathetic big mike ..... ALL pigs have mental issues, that is why they turn their agencies into little Peyton Places .... There is NO pig out there that knows the LAW, let alone uphold it .... I bet if you look in the dictionary under the word ugly your picture is there big mike .... Jabba huh .... HA, HA ... My waistline is still a trim and tight 33 inches .... What's yours big mike ????


Funny, that’s exactly what you did when you started coming here, calling cops pigs, filth and every other name you could think of. I’m sure you don’t have mirrors in your house Jabba, they don’t make them wide enough for you turtle. You’re little fragile ego requires you to attack others so you can feel better about your own miserable little life. Then you wonder why no one wants to be around you turtle.


I didn't tell ANY lies ...... STRAIGHT UP truth .... ALL the way ............


You’re just upset because you lost your position when they found your OnlyFans account. Bless your heart.

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