Soros pressuring FCC to fast track purchase of national radio network, which carries Hannity, Levin, Beck, other top conservative radio programs before election

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WASHINGTON, DC - Not happy with just interfering with elections through dropping money from his deep pockets into NGOs, and other money laundering operations, Marxist billionaire George Soros has turned his financial might toward a takeover of a nationwide radio network, the New York Post reports. 

If you think it is bad enough that the major networks–ABC, CBS, and NBC, along with CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other major media outlets are in the pockets of the Democrat Party, what Soros has in mind should frighten anyone who thinks the country is headed down the toilet bowl and fast. 

The Post reports that Soros is attempting to have his takeover of the country’s second-biggest radio network fast tracked through the Democrat-controlled Federal Communications Commission. Reports say that Soros, who is still kicking at age 93, has dumped $400 million into Audacy, which earlier this year declared bankruptcy. That network has a reach of 165 million monthly listeners and includes some of the most popular conservative radio hosts–Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Dana Loesch, and Erick Erickson. 

Ranking-wise, Sean Hannity is #1, followed by Loesch at #5, Levin at #6, Glenn Beck at #12, and Erickson at #35, according to It is chilling that Soros could possibly gain control of the network that broadcasts some of the most important conservative voices on radio. 

One insider with knowledge of the deal told The Post that, “The idea that George Soros is buying hundreds of local radio stations right before a national election and will keep broadcasting Sean Hannity and other conservative talk radio hosts on Audacy is not credible.” 

One issue facing Soros’ potential purchase of Audacy is that the money he wishes to use to purchase the bankrupt media company comes from overseas, which is why Soros is lobbying the FCC to fast track his purchase while allowing him to skirt FCC rules. Under those regulations, a foreign company is only permitted to own up to 25% of US radio stations. 

However, The Post acquired a filing which shows that Soros is asking the Democrat-controlled FCC to make an exception. 

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr, a Republican, is sounding the alarm over Soros’ involvement, following up a warning made by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) in April. 

“The FCC should not create a special Soros shortcut,” Carr told The Post earlier this week. 

“When it comes to a broadcast station acquisition of this size and magnitude–hundreds of radio stations across more than 45 markets–the FCC needs to run its full and normal review process. The FCC should not be skipping steps or waiving required agency processes.” 

In April, Roy wrote that the Soros conglomerate should have petitioned to get its foreign funding sources vetted by the FCC initially, however they are trying to waive that process and kick it “until sometime down the road–indicating that those foreign stakeholders will be given ‘special warrants’ in the meantime.” 

The Post reached out to the FCC for comment, but none was received. 

The attempted Audacy acquisition isn’t Soros’ first venture into the US media market. In 2022, it facilitated Univision’s $60 million sale of 18 primarily conservative Hispanic radio stations, including a conservative powerhouse Radio Mambi. 

The same year, Soros dumped more of his fortune into the liberal podcast network Crooked Media, home of “Pod Save America.” 

Audacy’s lineup of stations include WFAN and WINS in New York, as well as KROQ in Los Angeles, and WTIC AM-1080 in Hartford, a 50,000 watt powerhouse that reaches much of New England. Only the iHeart network boasts more stations. 

According to sources, they told The Post that Soros owns about 40% of the company’s senior debt–a significant chunk which although not a majority could give him effective control of the company when it emerges from bankruptcy. 

The timing of Soros’ flirtation with Audacy is certainly suspicious, especially given the push to skirt FCC regulations, ahead of the 2024 presidential election. That has raised some eyebrows among Republican insiders. 

“This is scary,” the source, who remained anonymous, said. 

The purchase of Mambi by the Soros-backed Latino Media Network in June 2022 saw the Miami-based station, a “mainstay of Miami’s hardline anti-Communist Cuban exile community for decades,” lose one of its most popular hosts, Lourdes Ubieta. She left as the newly formed network was taken over by two former Democratic operatives, Stephanie Valencia and Jess Morales Rocketto, who worked on the Obama and Hillary Clinton campaigns. Valencia also worked in the Obama White House. 

In a stroke of possible bad luck for Ubieta, she now hosts a Spanish-language radio program, “En Este Pais con Lourdes Ubieta'' on Radio Libre 790, which is on the Audacy network, a program created after the demise of Radio Mambi. 

While Ubieta cannot comment on her current job, she told The Post that after acquiring Mambi that the Soros operation basically emasculated Radio Mambi by removing all political content at the station. 

“They kept the name Radio Mambi but they made it all soft shows like sports and entertainment,” Ubieta told The Post. 

“Everything was hard-core anti-Communism politics on Radio Mambi before. That’s all gone now.” 

Just the way Marxist communist sympathizers like Soros want it. 

Democrats pay attention–this sounds an awful lot like election interference to us. Maybe you want to look into that.

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Anything dealing with George Soros or his cronies should never be allowed in this Nation. He is not welcomed in Hungry, Great Britain, or Australia. Why do we allow this clown to operate within our borders? He is not a U.S. Citizen. This stuff just boggles my mind. Who is in charge here??



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