Former officer: Spineless police chiefs hurt law enforcement when they bend the knee to the woke left

Written by Rob Hollingsworth

Washington State is a cesspool for tyrannical “far-left” liberals. It seems they start moderately liberal in Southern California and as they travel north along the I-5 corridor, any form of common sense is thrown out the window.

The trash fills the freeway. It is truly a sight to see.

The trash also infiltrates the political leaders and police organizations.

I am a former police officer in Tacoma, Washington. Home to a governor, mayor, and police chief who I, along with many others have referred to as a “whacko”. I have had death threats, been called everything in the book, and will continue to speak out against the insanity.
Something that seems like a faraway fairy tale in many law enforcement organizations.

In my opinion, far-left policies risk lives of police officers, firefighters, and the citizens of the areas they “rule."

In 2022, I referred to my police and city leadership as spineless and tyrannical. They bend the knee to the media and the mob rule that has a grip on our society. This is a recipe for disaster not only for our agencies and the police profession, but for our country.

Time and time again, these stories of insanity are seen in progressive blue areas of our country. While much of these areas are ruled by “leaders” that buy into the narratives, there are still people remaining in these roles that have some common sense and even some sort of a backbone.

Three Tacoma Police officers were recently found not-guilty of homicide/manslaughter charges from an incident stemming back to 2020. They were booked into jail, placed on house arrest, and essentially tortured for carrying out their lawful duties as police officers given to them by the very state that turned on them.

I recently wrote an article published in LET providing my personal insight and experience during this time. I had intended on that being the final article on the topic.

That was until one of those officers, for reasons I could not fathom (my hat is off to you!), elected to continue serving for an adjacent county agency. 

However, his service was short lived as he was essentially forced out after a very short time.

Why you ask? Because the Sheriff of Thurston County (Olympia, Wa), felt the slightest bit of pressure from the woke mob and immediately crumbled.

The Sheriff, Derek Sanders released the following statement: “When I made the decision to hire Deputy Burbank, I failed to consider the greater community impact and instead made the decision based on business needs to remedy TCSO's staffing crisis” and continued to state “Furthermore, I entirely misjudged community perception on the investigation and jury process that Deputy Burbank completed. I recognize the harm this has caused to marginalized communities, and I was wrong.”

Much of his response was centered around the fact that he really needed another deputy due to the hiring crisis. This, of course, a fact that no one can argue against. However, it is my opinion (and many other officers), that these type of “leaders” that cower in the face of a bit of backlash, are contributing to the hiring crisis.

They are contributing because they refuse to take a stand against the non-sense. Let me point out that, he himself stated that a “jury process” had been carried out. A jury process, as well as an internal affairs investigation that determined that nothing to include a law and/or policy was violated.

Each and every leader, regardless if elected or appointed, has a responsibility to their people in the organization and the community. The community may not know what is good for them unfortunately. The woke mob that orchestrates and causes this chaos and degradation of our society, does not know what is good for them.

Sheriff Sanders also notes that in a county of 300,000 people, only two people applied. I am sure this reaction in the face of a little adversity will not help. Instead of issuing a statement highlighting why you hired him, highlighting his service and achievements, you crumble.  Take the easy way out and let the voice of few dictate your life.

As the trash continues to pile up along the freeway, along the rank and file of law enforcement not only in Washington State and elsewhere, it will take many more leaders with courage to stand up against whatever evil is sinking its teeth in anything decent.

To Burbank, my hat is off to you for having the courage to continue to serve having gone what you have gone through.
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FJB and F all the liberal Chiefs who have no balls.


FJB and F all the liberal Chiefs who have no balls.


I LOVE IT... those filthy demon RAT run cites deserve everything they are going to REAP.


Retired WSP sergeant here.Chief John Batiste has virtually destroyed the WSP by being a gutless, spineless coward.


Such cowardly political pawns should be fired. They have no place in law enforcement.


Such cowards should be fired.

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