AURORA, CO - Residents of one city in the Denver metropolitan area are suffering from an epidemic of crime- crime that is brought about by illegal migrants associated with transnational gangs.
The gangs are even so brazen as to have taken over entire apartment complexes in the city of Aurora, leaving residents terrified.
One Venezuelan gang leader is facing a slew of criminal charges for separate incidents- one of which took place after Jhonardy Jose Pacheco-Chirino skipped a court hearing related to a a brutal beating at a gang-controlled apartment building prosecutors are accusing him of, according to the New York Post.
John Fabbricatore, a retired Immigration and Customs Enforcement official and congressional candidate, described the situation as dismal in a Tuesday interview with Fox and Friends. Aurora is not a sanctuary city, but concerned residents are pointing to the sanctuary status of nearby Denver and pro-migration state policy as a magnet for migrant crime.
"It's starting to get bad."
"We're still seeing a lot of leaders try to ignore it and not let the public know what's going on," Fabbricatore said of the situation. "Many of these are not average asylum seekers that are coming in. Many of them cannot even claim asylum." The Republican candidate for Colorado's 6th congressional district described the Venezuelan criminal gang Tren de Aragua as partially responsible for the mayhem in the city.
Four migrants connected to the gang are facing charges for a brazen jewelry store robbery in June, according to the New York Post.
The city of Aurora has sought to discourage the arrival of new migrants, with the city council voting in a 7-3 resolution against providing resources to new migrants arriving in town. Denver has recieved more most new migrant arrivals per capita than any other city in the United States, according to the Post.
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2024-08-31T09:18-0500 | Comment by: James
You mean, It's more like colorado pigs cower in fear and in violation of their OATHS, as Venezuelan gangs show the people of colorado what kind of low life cowards they have STUPIDLY trusted with their safety ....... USELESS, OATH VIOLATING FILTH .......-
2024-08-31T13:16-0500 | Comment by: Harry
Those responsible for this Denver area crime explosion are the Governor of the sanctuary state of Colorado and the Mayor of the sanctuary city, Denver. They are both DemocRATs and couldn't care less about their citizens. They are only concerned about the DemocRAT agenda, which is, creating more DemocRAT voters by pandering to illegal aliens !!!
2024-09-02T14:39-0500 | Comment by: Daniel
Why don't the voters do a recall on those politicans? And why do they keep reelecting the same politican back into office. They get what they voted for. I have have family members that say Biden is the best president the USA has ever had, but at the sametime they're getting government help.
2024-09-02T14:39-0500 | Comment by: Daniel
Why don't the voters do a recall on those politicans? And why do they keep reelecting the same politican back into office. They get what they voted for. I have have family members that say Biden is the best president the USA has ever had, but at the sametime they're getting government help.