Texas Democrat jumps ship for GOP over liberal border policies negatively impacting public safety

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KLEBERG COUNTY, TX – The immigration policies of the left are leaving more and more Americans feeling unsafe, especially in the four southern border states.

The fact that they continue to ignore the reality that is the open southern border is starting to turn heads and open eyes…even the eyes of Democrats.

Kira Talip Sanchez is the County Attorney for Kleberg County, which is located on the Texas Gulf coast just south of Corpus Christi and two hours north of the border with Mexico.

Talip Sanchez has seen what happens when Democrat leadership is in control of immigration. She feels that they left he no choice but to bail out and switch sides.

"In recent years, I feel like my former party has moved further left and it's no longer aligned with my values," Talip Sanchez told Fox and Friends.

“As County Attorney, I have been proud to work with law enforcement to ensure the safety of the citizens of Kleberg County,” Sanchez said in a statement last Saturday.

“There is an unprecedented crisis at our southern border. I believe that the GOP’s policies of law and order protecting safety, and backing the blue best align with my values and the values of the citizens of Kleberg County. I look forward to working with my colleagues to keep South Texas safe.”

The switch comes as Texas Governor Greg Abbott is heading to federal court to take on the Biden administration over the 1,000-foot long floating buoys floating in the Rio Grande River. The state placed them there to deter border crossings after the federal government had done everything they can to open our border.

The decision to flip her affiliation was met with quite a bit of criticism.

"As a Hispanic, we were told, you know, ‘Hispanics are Democrats,’ and that is not really the case. I feel like a lot of Hispanic Americans are Republican, and they don't even know it," she said. "I was nervous to be called a traitor. You know, 'You're Hispanic, why are you Republican?' But I feel very comfortable in switching. I feel like I feel like I'm at home and this is where I belong."

Talip Sanchez, who said her job in non-political and is to “follow the law and prosecute” crimes, was welcomed by the Hispanic Republicans of Texas. HRT President, Caay Garcia told Fox that she was excited to have her and to continue their outreach to Democratic voters.

One of Talip Sanchez’s roles is running the Specialized Crimes and Narcotics Task Force. That group goes on the offensive against criminals “engaged in trafficking weapons, drugs, persons and currency.”

While working along side Border Patrol and Texas DPS troopers as part of Operation Lone Star, her eyes were opened to just how detrimental to public safety that the Deomcrat policies on immigration and border security actually were.

She watched as it became progressively worse and continued to grow in a “big problem.”
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