Critics of what some describe as over-incarceration may need to reevaluate their claims in light of updated data based on a January 2025 publication from the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the US Department of Justice.
For example, today’s Marshall Project news summary states “More than 56,000 people are now serving life-without-parole sentences in the U.S., a population that has grown more than 68% since 2003. The figure doesn’t include tens of thousands of people serving sentences with terms that essentially ensure they will never leave.”
That gives the impression that the average time spent in state prisons is astronomical. It’s not.
Per the US Department of Justice, the median time served in prison for all offenses is 1.3 years. The mathematical average for all offenses is 2.7 years.
Like all Bureau of Justice Statistics data, I recommend you go to the source and see the footnotes for context.
What Is Meant By Median Time Served?
Median time served means that 50 percent of prison inmates serve more time and 50 percent serve less. I use median time served throughout this article because it’s a more accurate measure of what researchers call a measure of central tendency.
Extremes (those sentenced to one year or less versus those sentenced to life terms) greatly skew mathematical averages on either end of the spectrum and they confuse more than they provide clarity.
The data below is based on an inmate’s first release while knowing that most will be reincarcerated upon release based on new crimes (not technical violations) per the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Time Served
For time served, it’s the amount of time spent incarcerated regardless of the length of a prison sentence.
State prison inmates served an average of 44.4 percent of their sentences.
For all offenses including violent, property, drug, and public order based on medium time served:
For violent crimes, the medium time served is 2.4 years.
For property crimes, the medium time served is 13 months.
For drug crimes, the medium time served is 12 months.
For public order crimes (i.e., weapon violations, vice, decency, liquor laws, disturbances), the medium time served is 13 months.
For murder, the medium time served is 17.5 years.
For rape, the medium time served is 7.2 years.
For robbery, the medium time served is 3.2 years.
For assault, the medium time served is 1.4 years. I assume that this is for aggravated assaults involving a weapon or serious injury. It’s extremely rare for misdemeanor assaults to go to prison.
87.7 percent of state inmates served less than 5 years.
State prison inmates served an average of 44.4 percent of their sentences. Note that federal inmates (per law) serve 85 percent of their sentence.
For violent crimes, prison inmates served an average of 52.5 percent of their sentences.
All other categories served less except rape (67.8 percent) and robbery, (56.6 percent). Vehicle theft offenders served the smallest percentage, (37.1 percent).
There are an array of issues here that impact how the criminal justice system operates:
Extensive Criminal Histories: Inmates in state prisons have extensive criminal histories. The 369,200 persons admitted to state prison in 34 states had an estimated 4.2 million prior arrests. Persons admitted to state prison had a median of nine prior arrests. Over half (59%) were arrested at least once within 2 years. This figure increases exponentially over ten years (above 80 percent). 78 percent of inmates had previous incarcerations. Forty-two percent had 5-10 or more incarcerations. 62 percent were violent, for males, it was higher. If you include criminal histories, most in state prisons are either there for a violent offense or have a history of violence. Source
Criminal Rehabilitation: Data funded by the US Department of Justice tells us that the vast majority of rehabilitation programs fail to reduce recidivism. If the median time served for all offenses is 1.3 years, there’s little time for programs to take effect. For those serving longer sentences, using scarce resources on long-term inmates doesn’t make sense for many correctional administrators; they want to offer services closer to release.
Why Some Serve Longer Percentages Than Murderers: Murder is a relatively rare occurrence compared to the totality of criminality. Those serving higher percentages (robbery, and sexual assaults) probably have extensive criminal histories.
Violent Crime: Violent crime rates are at record highs (up 44 percent) per the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the USDOJ. Violent crimes decreased per crimes reported to law enforcement compiled by the FBI. Source. Just note that the overwhelming majority of crime is not reported to law enforcement.
There are organizations devoted to incarcerating fewer people or cutting existing prison populations in half (candidate Biden was a supporter of cutting prison populations by 50 percent per the ACLU).
There are far more articles written about the “harm” incarceration does to inmates and their families than what happens to victims of crime.
The reality of the Bureau of Justice Statistics data tells us that the median prison time served for all offenses is 1.3 years. Many categories serve less. Citizens have to live with their victimizations for the rest of their lives.
That’s hardly the average citizen’s interpretation of over-incarceration.
41 days ago | Comment by: James
YEA .... It's ALL BULL feces, NO victim, plea bargained, for profit industrial incarceration .... The ONLY VICTIM is the prisoner .......