Retired cop: Illegal immigrants who brutally attacked officers are 'cowards and animals', and NY laws are just as bad as the criminals

Bernie Hallum by is licensed under Bernie Hallum
Written by Bernie Hallums.  Bernie is a retired law enforcement officer from Connecticut who is the co-host of the Law Enforcement Today show "Choir Practice" which can be found on


On January 31, 2024 I was watching the news when I saw a video, of two NYPD officers being assaulted by a group of animals in what resembled a gang initiation “Beat In,” with 12 animals willingly participating in this brutal assault.

The story goes on to state that some are immigrants living in New York City. While I’m a self-admitted politically neutral person, I do understand that the immigration system is flawed to say the least and has taken on a life of its own.

This afternoon I was watching the news forgetting that New York has the no bail law, so these animals were back on the streets shortly after their court appearance. Then I watched in shear anger as they were laughing and giving the middle finger to the media, police, and I guess anyone else who was there to bear witness.

For those who don’t know what the law is, here’s a synopsis. New York’s Bail Law currently eliminates money bail for those charged with misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies. Those accused of these crimes are either freed without restrictions while their case plays out or released under certain conditions like electronic monitoring.

Bottom line, if you want to be here, follow the laws! Your presence has helped divide this country over the issues of immigration. Don’t get me wrong, I if I didn’t live here, I would do everything I could to get here. But I would follow the laws as I do everyday, and as many other immigrants before them have done.

For the most part, our families were immigrants and looked to enhance life in America. You think you’re tough guys, I think you're cowards. I thought how these men don’t deserve the right to live the “American Dream” as I continued watching the video in disbelief and compassion for those officers being assaulted.

To the State of New York, it’s no wonder why so many good NYPD officer are leaving your agency to go to other states where they can feel supported while out there doing this dangerous and often thankless job each and every day, 24/7/365.

The stress of the job and the demands of it are life-altering, and to add the fact that a group of animals can attack our officers and be released from court is unacceptable. If this isn’t a wake-up call that we need reform on the government level and on the New York state law, then we are sleeping at the wheel.

Please change that legislation so that a crime such as this this would result in immediate deportation. The assault on any police officer, whether in this case or done at the hands of American citizens, is unacceptable.

Governor Cathy Hochul was asked to weigh in. She told CBS, “These are law enforcement officers who should never under any circumstances to be subject to assault.  It’s wrong on all accounts, and I’m looking to judges and prosecutors to do the right thing."

She was also asked if they should be deported, to which she replied, “I think that is absolutely something that should be looked at, if someone commits a crime against an officer in the state of New York and …. they are not here legally, definitely worth looking into."

To my sisters and brothers at the NYPD, I stand with you and am truly disheartened and angered by this incident. You and every good police officer that wears the uniform are my heroes may God keep you safe.

This is an active ongoing investigation as of the time of this writing. Several suspects are still at large. If anyone has additional information, please call 212-335-9040.
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