VA backs down after a crazed official suggested removing the iconic V-J Day photo from facilities

V-J Day in Times Square by is licensed under

WASHINGTON, DC- As conservative radio talk show host Dan Bongino often says, “They hate you.” By they, he means the Marxist liberal scum that populate the Biden administration, including the demented dipstick-in-chief himself, Joe Biden. 

The latest example comes to us courtesy of the Department of Veterans Affairs, as reported by The Federalist. The outlet reports that after public backlash, the VA reversed course on a scheme to remove the iconic photograph taken on V-J day after hostilities in the Pacific ended to conclude World War II. The plan would have removed the photo from all Veterans Administration facilities. 

Why were they planning to remove the photo? Because it lacked “inclusivity.” Conservative Michael Savage coined the phrase “liberalism is a mental disorder,” and this absurd attempt to remove history is a prime example of that. 

Last Thursday, VA Undersecretary RimaAnn Nelson asked officials in the agency to remove the “V-J Day in Times Square” photo from all Veterans Health Administration facilities. That photo depicts an American sailor kissing a female in Times Square in New York after the Japanese surrender was announced. 

Nelson’s request was allegedly to help the VA comply with its goal of “maintaining a safe, respectful, and trauma-informed environment.” Nelson claimed the kiss depicted a “non-consensual act” and was “inconsistent with the VA’s no-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and assault.” Nelson is clearly in desperate need of psychological counseling if she is triggered by an 81-year-old photo showing a celebratory moment after nearly four years of war. 

Nelson continued that while the placement of Alfred Eisenstaedt’s historic picture “was initially intended to celebrate and commemorate the end of World War II and the triumphant return of American soldiers,” she claims that views on “historical events and representations evolve.” 

“Recent discussions have highlighted concerns about the non-consensual nature of the kiss, prompting debates on consent and the appropriateness of celebrating such images in today’s environment,” Nelson, a sure finalist for Snowflake of the Year, wrote. 

“To foster a more trauma-informed environment that promotes the psychological safety of our employees and the Veterans we serve, photographs depicting the ‘V-J Day in Times Square’ should be removed from all VHA facilities,” Nelson continued. 

“This action reflects our dedication to creating a respectful and safe workplace and is in keeping with our broader efforts to promote a culture of inclusivity and awareness,” she added. 

Is it any wonder nobody with more than a couple of brain cells to rub together simply cannot take these people seriously? With all of the issues facing the VA, from veteran homelessness to PTSD and beyond, an official within the VA is concerned with an old photograph. You cannot make this up. 

The memo sparked outrage after the X account EndWokeness posted the leaked memo online, with respondents slamming both the VA and Nelson for the absurd proposal. Ironically, just after the memo was posted online, it was rescinded. 

VA Secretary Dennis McDonough issued a statement on X, with a caption accompanying the V-J Day photo, which read: “Let me be clear: This image is not banned from VA facilities–and we will keep it in VA facilities.” 

McDonough initially refused to confirm the memo's authenticity, but Military Times later confirmed it. According to VA officials, the memo was formally rescinded on Tuesday; however, they did not say if senior leaders were consulted before Nelson's memo went out. 

The Associated Press also spoke to two officials, who remained anonymous, who confirmed the authenticity of the memo. 

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That narrow evil minded prude, prig Nelson needs to be removed from her position !!!! Who is she to decide what the people want or do not want and what offends them or what does not. I think she is a jealous cow because no decent man would whomp a big kiss on her for any reason. We do not need people like her to hold a position in any official government office we have enough frustrated uptight idiots in office now. YES I am a vet and was totally insulted and appalled by her demand that that Iconic picture that makes EVERYONE smile be removed. SHAME ON HER get rid of her.


THANK YOU❤️ I absolutely 💯 % agree with you...This is getting out of hand with the inclusive crap...This is a fabulous photo, when people actually had morals and values...When people believed in God...Family...Country and the Constitution....This woman is a disgrace to humanity and should be removed immediately...

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