Washington State Trooper killed by illegal immigrant with criminal history, according to ICE; detainer FINALLY placed

MARYSVILLE, WA – Washington State Patrol (WSP) Trooper Christopher Gadd, 27 years old, was killed over the weekend when he was struck and killed by a driver who was allegedly both drunk and high at the time, according to police reports.

It’s been further revealed that the suspect, Raul Benitez Santana, who had been living in Lynwood at the time, was in the country illegally.

Further, Santana had four previous run-ins with police prior to the murder of Trooper Gadd, according to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokesperson. Charges against Santana include possession of marijuana, driving on a suspended license, failing to appear, and domestic violence assault.

Now, he’s facing vehicular homicide charges in connection with the death of Trooper Gadd.

It’s not clear at this time exactly when Santana entered the US. He is a Mexican national.

Early on Saturday morning, around 3:00 a.m., Trooper Gadd’s patrol vehicle was struck from behind by an SUV on Interstate 5. The patrol vehicle was parked on the shoulder at the time of the collision. The SUV was allegedly being driven by Santana, who reportedly displayed bloodshot eyes and admitted to both smoking marijuana and drinking two beers prior to driving.

According to a witness, the SUV was driving at excessive speeds when it swerved and hit Trooper Gadd’s vehicle. MyNorthwest said, “The SUV then bounced off the trooper’s vehicle, stopped in the fast lane, and was subsequently hit by a van with six people inside.”

Snohomish County Prosecuting Attorney Tobin Darrow said, “He (Santana) impaired is by the substances he’s been using and just flat drives right into the back of his patrol vehicle at full speed. The fact that he’s been drinking and consuming marijuana contributed to his failure to recognize that the shoulder is not a proper lane of travel.”

Santana is currently being held in the Snohomish County Jail for the homicide charge. ICE has reportedly put a detainer on him, which means that the jail will call ICE to pick him up and deport him in the event he is released. 

WSP Chief John Batiste said that Trooper Gadd was “a truly good man who was dedicated to the job and community.” He continued, “Chris’ passing is a devastating loss to his family – a family who knows all too well the risks of public service but still has offered that service with unquestioned valor and now, unfathomable sacrifice."

“I can tell you that across the entire Washington State Patrol, every head is bowed, every knee is bent, and every heart is broken as we mourn this loss. To honor Chris, even in sorrow, we will go on. We will continue to serve. Because he did, we must.”

WSP spokesperson Christ Loftis told a local news station, “It is with a heavy heart that we report we lost a brother today. The troopers sign up for danger. They are brave people.”

Trooper Gadd is survived by his wife, Cammryn, and their two-year-old daughter, Kaelynn. He’d been serving WSP for two and a half years. His father is serving in Bellevue as a current trooper with WSP. His sister is also a state trooper in Texas.

He is the 33rd trooper in Washington State killed in the line of duty.

Trooper Gadd’s family shared a statement with WSP, which read, “We are working through what is undoubtedly the most difficult of times for our family as we mourn the loss of a loved husband, devoted father, caring brother, beloved son, and committed friend. We appreciate the outpouring of support we have seen from the community that Chris loved and served. We ask the media to respect our family’s privacy during this painful time.”

WSP added that cards may be sent for Trooper Gadd’s family to the WSP Marysville Office: 2700 116th Street Northeast, Marysville, WA 98271.

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RIP sir and praying justice for you. Wake up Biden. See what you allowed by no wall! No checking them out first!


The family of the Trooper should bring charges against BIDEN for accessory to murder. If not for Biden and his open border that idiot would not have been here or out of jail and to have been able to be the cause of the Troopers death. BIDEN IS GUILTY of accessory to Murder and should be held accountable and every one else that has had a family member killed by an illegal needs to sue Biden and have him charged with accessory to murder. HE IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW AND THE ILLEGALS ARE HERE AT THE INVITATION OF BIDEN.


The family of the Trooper should bring charges against BIDEN for accessory to murder. If not for Biden and his open border that idiot would not have been here or out of jail and to have been able to be the cause of the Troopers death. BIDEN IS GUILTY of accessory to Murder and should be held accountable and every one else that has had a family member killed by an illegal needs to sue Biden and have him charged with accessory to murder. HE IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW AND THE ILLEGALS ARE HERE AT THE INVITATION OF BIDEN.


As long as these invasive species continue to pour into our country it is only going to get worse. coldsteel3air




I agree with others on here, Biden should be held accountable. Laws should also be strict concerning the illegals. The only way we will get any justice is if the people unite.


As long as these Animals are allowed to Roam our Country...It's going to get much worse. Thank You Democrats from H.


Wake up America! This is the #1 issue facing America and will destroy our children's futures. Vote this November for candidates that will deport these illegals coming to America, to only take from the system. Meanwhile, our VETS, our elderly and other Americans get the scraps. Please vote for the sake of future American generations.


Wake up America! This is the #1 issue facing America and will destroy our children's futures. Vote this November for candidates that will deport these illegals coming to America, to only take from the system. Meanwhile, our VETS, our elderly and other Americans get the scraps. Please vote for the sake of future American generations.


He's had other run ins with the law ... which means he got off scott free. It must be disheartening for LE when arrests are made and the courts do nothing. Illegals have become a protected class ... very sad. RIP trooper Glad. A year from now, things will be different but I'm sorry to say you will not be here to see it.


Just ONE MORE DEATH against the LEFT and JOE BIDEN ! 232,000 dead Americans is less than 3 years.


Thank you Governor Jay Inslee for making Washington state a “sanctuary state” and supporting Biden. This trooper is the second LEO murdered by illegal aliens in the past two years in this state. Their blood is on your hands you dirty swine.


communists groomed democrats destroying America for china biden did this


The Demo Socialists will now accuse anyone who criticizes illegals' crimes as being "racist," and of course, this includes anyone who wears a MAGA cap. Biden ruined a law that was based on orderly immigration with his own law that now promises immigration CHAOS and the crime associated with open borders. With Biden making his own laws, who needs Congress?........and the Democrats fully support the demented, lying king of perfidy, even blaming anyone who challenges the current mess caused by Biden and his Socialist minions.

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