White police captain files suit against city over ‘racial quotas’ allegedly used in promotion process

ALEXANDRIA, VA – A police captain based out of Alexandria, Virginia, has reportedly filed a lawsuit against the city, alleging that she was denied a promotion within the police department due to the department wanting “to fill certain unannounced racial quotas” which by de facto excluded her from serious consideration.

Captain Monica Lisle, who happens to be white, reportedly served with the Alexandria Police Department for over 20 years, ostensibly seeing herself as a qualified shoe-in for the available assistant chief position at the department.

However, according to Lisle’s filed complaint, the Alexandria Police Department had a different vision in mind for their preferred candidate, with Lisle asserting that an undisclosed racial quota was integrated into the consideration that saw her essentially disqualified from the candidate pool.

In a complaint filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission prior to the filed suit, Lisle alleged, “I believe that Chief  [Donald] Hayes believes that diversity is specific to African Americans,” emphasizing that there’s more to diversity than just being black by adding, “I am a member of at least three protected classes, as a gay, woman, over the…age of 40.”

In early 2023, the Alexandria Police Department ultimately went with Easton McDonald, a black man who’d been serving with the Loudon County Sheriff’s Office for nearly 22 years at the time of his appointment to assistant chief.

Apparently, Lisle’s perception of the promotion process wasn’t terribly farfetched, as city arbitrators ruled earlier in 2023 that Lisle was unjustly disqualified from being promoted. Now, Lisle is asking that a circuit court judge bring forth enforcement measures based upon the ruling from city arbitrators.

Commenting on the legal fiasco, Damon Minnix, president of the Alexandria chapter of the Southern States Police Benevolent Association stated, “A lot of our membership feels like their service is being disregarded by the city — their career paths come to a halt.”

Meanwhile, attorneys representing the city are claiming that Lisle has yet to prove what the city’s motive was in allegedly disqualifying her from the candidate pool unlawfully.

The no-foul-play defense strategy being used by the city is obviously not amusing to Lisle’s attorney, William Thetford, who said of the case, “The city’s delay and refusal to abide by its own policies at the outset and now are unacceptable.”

In other news regarding high-profile lawsuit alleging discrimination, Progressive Preferred Insurance Company (largely known as Progressive) was hit with their own lawsuit alleging racial discrimination with respect to grant program launched earlier in 2023.

The lawsuit, which was filed on August 16th out of the Northern District of Ohio Eastern Division, alleges that Progressive’s monetary grant program that was offered exclusively to black business owners was an explicit form of racial discrimination against non-black commercial policy holders with the insurance company.

Alleging a violation of the plain language of 42 U.S.C. § 1981, the plaintiffs in the lawsuit against Progressive are seeking appropriate relief and are also asking the court to greenlight a class action where other impacted parties can sign onto the suit against the insurance provider.
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