Wife of Washington Post hack, who for years accused Trump of being foreign agent, is arrested for being... a foreign agent

Foreign agent Sue Mi Terry by is licensed under YouTube

“Revenge is a dish best served cold”--In Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan, those words are said by Khan, portrayed by the late Ricardo Montalban when he thinks he has exiled his longtime enemy, Capt. James Kirk to life on a desolate planet. Now, a Washington Post reporter is getting a taste of the “dish best served cold,” according to The Liberty Daily. 

Washington Post reporter Max Boot, an unhinged leftist, has spent years referring to President Donald Trump as a foreign agent. In the ultimate case of karma, Boot’s wife, Sue Mi Terry, has been indicted for operating as…an unregistered foreign agent for South Korea. 

According to Reuters Legal, Terry, a former CIA and White House National Security Council (NSC) employee was indicted on charges of advocating South Korean policies, disclosing non-public US information, and facilitating access for South Korean officials in exchange for luxury goods. 

Boot, who has a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, is also an apologist for Ukrainian President Voldoymr Zelensky who thinks no amount of money sent to Ukraine to be laundered at the benefit of Democrats and globalists, is too much. Of course it probably has nothing to do with the fact that his wife used to work for the CIA. 

The Daily Caller News Foundation reports that prosecutors accuse Terry of disclosing U.S. government secrets while influencing policy decisions for South Korea. They say in return she received goods including a $3,450 Louis Vuitton handbag and a $2,845 Dolce & Gabbana coat, as well as expensive dinners at Michelin-starred restaurants, according to The New York Post. 

One of the key allegations involved Terry passing notes from a confidential meeting held with Secretary of State Antony Blinken about North Korea to a South Korean intelligence contact right after the meeting. She also allegedly facilitated interaction between South Korean spies and congressional staffers under the guise of social gatherings, The Post said. 

Terry, however, much the same as Hunter Biden, never registered as a foreign agent with the Justice Department as required by the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA). This was despite being warned by the FBI in 2014 about her potential to be targeted for foreign influence. 

After being charged, Terry was released on a  $500,000 bond, The Post said. Her attorney, Lee Wolosky, claims the allegations distort her “reputation” and “career.” 

After Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, Boot became infected with a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and frequently appeared on far-left CNN as an “analyst” while writing obsessive columns about Trump for the Washington Post, Breitbart News reports. 

In 2020, Boot was a rabid voice insisting that The New York Post’s reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop were fake and pushed the “Russian disinformation” narrative hatched by the Biden administration and pushed to the mainstream media via over 50 “intelligence officials.” In Hunter Biden’s tax fraud trial earlier this year, DOJ attorneys admitted the laptop was Biden’s and in fact Hunter Biden himself has verified the laptop is his. 

Boot’s critics became suspicious of his advocacy and involvement in U.S.-South Korean relations, with some asking if he was being paid or influenced to publish over-the-top positive content on behalf of foreign governments. 

The year before, Boot pushed for the impeachment of Trump over the bogus Russia collusion hoax that was hatched by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee with assistance by the FBI. Boot continued to do so even after Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence that Trump had colluded with Russia. 

Boot has not (as of yet) been charged with any crime. 

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