Michael Letts: You want to improve America? Bring the church’s values back

with Michael Letts by is licensed under
Over the last 100 years, our government has been slowly getting more involved in the daily lives of all Americans. Many families were happily living off a single income, children were outside playing all day, and Sunday was strictly reserved for church services.

But a lot has changed in the last 100 years, even in the last few decades.

Within that time span, there has been a strong push, especially from the liberal political community, to separate the church from the state.

Today the word "God" is omitted from many governmental functions and institutions. And God forbid you wish someone a Merry Christmas during the holiday season.

With the slow erosion of the church, the moral decay of society has been flourishing.

Every police officer who has been on the job more than a decade has likely seen the shift in lowered moral standards within American society.

Now children are subjected to transgender parades, are encouraged to identify as any gender, and the public school system is implementing new woke policies targeting children every day. The American flag is slowly taking a back seat to the "pride" flag, and the schools and government are pushing for it.

But the answer is simple after all, according to Michael Letts. Letts is an LEO advocate, expert political analyst, and CEO/founder of one of America’s longest running nonprofit organizations InVest USA.

“When we first started education we had the Pledge of Allegiance. You open school with prayer. You had the institution teaching values and principles you were learned in school,” Letts said on a recent podcast.

“But then they began to have - the liberal left – that said, ‘You know what, this country is supposed to have the separation of church and state'. They misinterpreted that. Again, they used it for their own nefarious reasons,” he added.

Part of what the church provides are values and principles, which are in the scriptures. Like most religions, they encourage peace, generosity, selflessness, tolerance, kindness, and many others.

“If there’s a separation between church and state, we can’t talk about values and principles anymore because we’re talking about religion, we’re talking about church matters,” he added.

With the erosion of church values, it impacts what values are being used, if any.

“Now we begin to educate children into our moral way. There is no right or wrong, there are no definitive values and principles. You know, ‘it's OK to lie today maybe you shouldn't lie tomorrow but depending on the circumstances it's OK. You need to steal. I mean if you're hungry steal you need to do what you need to do to survive,’” Letts sarcastically said.

He continued, “Our young people being to become indoctrinated over time with that kind of philosophy. Is it any wonder now that as they separated values and principles and decided that they were training in our education system… you now have a whole generation after generation that are having difficulty determining whether abortion is murder.”

This is just one subject matter from the result of deteriorating values and principles. It has also led to other similar issues.

“We have young people who have no regard for life, no regard for values, no regard for principles. So is it any wonder that they're creating the crime wave we now have,” Letts said.

He continued, “There is no respect for law and authority, so of course if there's no respect for law and authority, and you have very few people that want to uphold it, and you get to the situation that we're at today. Suddenly you begin to have people stopping and realizing we cannot survive in this direction for much longer.” 

What America and Americans need right now is a set of values and principles that must be the foundation for our society. But by continuing ahead without any values and principles, we as Americans will only continue to erode our society. What may happen next is that our government will try to step in and impose what they feel are correct values and principles and we cannot let it go that far.

Michael Letts is the author of Truth, Lies and Control: Finding Hope in an Upside-Down World. Preorder your copy on Amazon today! 

To learn more about Michael Letts, go to michaelletts.us and to learn more about his nonprofit organization InVestUSA, which provides free vests to first responders, visit investusa.org.

Read the full history of InVestUSA with Michael Letts by clicking HERE.


Writer Eddie Molina is a veteran and has over 25 years of combined LEO/military service. He owns and operates the LEO apparel and accessory company www.BuyHeroStuff.com 
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