Fifth-grader launches interfaith prayer club, gets green light after school administrators violate First Amendment

SAMMAMISH, WA - After months of not wavering, a fifth-grade student at Creekside Elementary School is now celebrating her success after a legal battle with her school surrounding her initiative in wanting to start an interfaith prayer club. 

According to Fox News, 11-year-old Laura explained how when she initially asked school administrators if she could create a prayer group that welcomed all students, she was told no. Her request was denied just one week after the school granted permission for an LGBTQ Pride Club. 

Prior to her recent victory, Laura spoke with "Fox News @ Night" back in April, saying that she had felt alone in her classroom and the larger school, and so after speaking with friends who felt the same way, she decided to pitch the idea of an interfaith prayer group. She wanted to simply bring people together and to provide a space where they could do good in their community. 

She said that the interfaith group would welcome all students, regardless of their religion. She added, "I think that this is something that I am very passionate about. I wouldn't be if I didn't really want to make this happen. If I didn't think that it would be a great opportunity for everyone."

With the help of First Liberty Institute, a nonprofit Christian legal organization, Laura was able to succeed in her endeavor. Regarding the incident, Kayla Toney, associate counsel at First Liberty Institute, wrote a letter to Issaquah School District officials, saying, in part, "Denying the formation of a religious student club while allowing other clubs violates the Constitution. School officials at Creekside Elementary are engaged in religious discrimination against an 11-year-old girl who simply wants to pray, feel support from other religious friends, and do community service."

Laura and her mother met with the principal of Creekside back in February and were told that all the funding for school clubs had already been allocated back in October of 2023. However, a Pride Club allegedly launched just a week prior to Laura asking to start the interfaith prayer club. On Monday, May 13th, Laura told "Fox News @ Night," "After they said no, First Liberty sent an email to them, and finally they responded and they said that we can have our club if we found a sponsor, and we found a sponsor."

As part of the email Toney said, she said, "By singling out a religious group and providing an inferior access to school resources than what it provides to other non-curricular groups, the district shows a hostility to religion that violates the free exercise clause." When speaking to "Fox News @ Night" anchor, Trace Gallagher, Toney said that she was not surprised that the school finally allowed Laura's prayer club to form. 

Toney said, "The law is very clear on this issue. The First Amendment absolutely protects Laura's ability to pray with her friends. There's a long history and tradition in this country of voluntary, student-led prayer, and the Supreme Court made that really clear."

She added, "We're very glad that the school district decided to do the right thing here. We think it's better for everyone because Laura is able to have her club starting next week. She doesn't have to have a long, draw out legal battle. And, it's better for the school district because religious liberty brings a beautiful diversity to the school environment."

Laura said that she expects a good turnout for her first interfaith prayer group meeting, saying that a number of students have already reached out with interest in joining the club. She said, "It was just a great lesson to learn that an 11-year-old girl can make a big difference."

Toney agreed by saying, "We're so encouraged by Laura's example and we hope that this shows the lot is changing in a good direction. Religious liberty is alive and well in our country, and I hope this inspires many other people to think about starting a prayer meeting in your workplace, at your school."

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They didn’t really “do the right thing”, now did they. They only allowed it after the spotlight was turned on them and their unconstitutional position.


I am glad she was stood up for no body should be made to feel threatened about their belief because it is against the constitutional rights of the person. She did not break any laws and she did not push her belief in the school she just wanted to start a club like every one else was given permission to do so. When a child is singled out like that it affects them tremendously mentally makes them feel unsafe in the environment they are in which should not ever take place in a school. Children are there to be educated, to feel free to express a part of them to be able to implement into their social life. When they are told no you can't have your prayer club or anything else they ask for as long as it doesn't hurt them or others then the school is creating a place that isn't free to the child to be able to excel in what they are trying to do. It also sends a message of you are not important but the other kids are. We need to be very careful on how we construct ourselves to rules in a public place such as a school for children to grow and learn.


Neither evil homosexuality addiction mental illness nor evil religion addiction mental illness should be pimped during school hours by anyone! Normal people are made to feel uncomfortable/unsafe/left out by having either one around. Also, teachers of one or both groups will tend to discriminate in grading against normal kids...

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