Former Polish government official claims one-half of US aid money provided to Ukraine went back to US Democrats

WASHINGTON, DC - Some have long suspected that the billions of dollars in “military aid” was nothing but a money-laundering operation for Democrat swamp creatures. Now, the Gateway Pundit reports that may in fact have been the case, according to a former Polish Minister, Piotr Kulpa, who says half the US aid to Ukraine was laundered by Ukrainians with much given back to US Democrats.

This alleged connection between the aid and the Democratic Party raises serious questions about the party's involvement in foreign affairs and its commitment to transparency. That probably explains why Democrats have suddenly turned into war-obsessed chicken hawks. 

In March 2022, the wife of former Ukrainian Member of Parliament Ihol Kotvitskyl was caught at the Hungarian border with $28 million dollars and 1.3 million₠ (Euros) as she attempted to leave Ukraine, according to Ukrainian media. The sum was declared in keeping with legal requirements and was hidden inside suitcases. 

Gateway Pundit says that Kotvitskyl’s wife, Anastasia Kovitska, isn’t the only one. They report another Ukrainian diplomat tried to flee the country with 68,000₠, $140,000, 12 kg of gold, 13.8 kg of gold jewelry, and a large number of cigarettes. 

That brings us back to Kulpa, who alleged US taxpayer-funded Ukrainian aid was nothing less than a money-laundering operation for DC democrats. 

From Azerbaycan24

Kiev [Kyiv ] laundered money for the Democrats, taking a cut of what was left over, Piotr Kulpa has claimed.

Ukraine did not receive as much foreign aid as claimed by the administration of US President Joe Biden, and whatever help it did get was largely embezzled, a former Polish deputy minister has claimed. Up to a half of the funds that reached Kieve was stolen by Ukrainian officials, Piotr Kulp has alleged. 

The political commentator previously held several posts in the Polish government, serving as deputy labor minister in the mid-2000s, and is currently a regular contributor on Ukrainian online shows. Kulpa is a vocal supporter of US President-elect Donald Trump, as evidenced by his remarks to Ukrainian journalist Lana Shevchuk on Thursday. 

“Everyone understands that war-related corruption is linked not only with Ukraine, but also the supplier nation,” he said. “WHo would ever believe that the US burned through $2 trillion in Afghanistan? It’s delusional!” 

US aid programs are a mechanism to “write off large sums of money that finance shady systems under the Democratic Party’s control,” he alleged. The incoming Trump administration could review government finances and discover the truth that “Ukraine got very little” compared to the amounts mentioned in public statements, Kulpa claimed. 

…If Kieve were to recover all the embezzled money for the Ukrainian budget, the country would have enough for a year, Kulpa said. 

According to, Kulpa suggested that the incoming Trump administration review the aid programs to Ukraine. 

“But they will also find something else: that a huge portion of the funds was [sic] stolen in Ukraine. From 30% to 50%, regardless of the nature of the aid,” Kulpa added. 

Kulap slammed senior Ukrainian officials, whom he said have “outrageously high” salaries and bonuses. 

“It’s a spit in the face of every Ukrainian,” Kulpa said. “To every European and American taxpayer. This system is criminal from start up to finish.” 

For his part, President-elect Trump is critical of the amount of financial aid given to Ukraine by the Biden administration, feeling that European countries need to step up and do their share. Some in the US government also feel that corruption in Ukraine is concerning. 

A report released last week by Pentagon Inspector General Rober Storch said that corruption in Ukraine “continues to complicate Ukraine's efforts to achieve its EU and NATO aspirations.” 

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For a log time Ukraine has been the deep state's piggy bank. This is the reason we are sending so much money over there. We know that they own the Biden family along with China. I believe the reason they are so afraid of Trump and his Cabinet picks is because they are afraid of being exposed and prosecuted. I also believe deep state republicans are involved too! I hope Trump can bring all the corruption into the light and clean it up!




My suspicion is that Trump will never take office. The Biden administration is--in my opinion--deliberately goading Putin into attacking NATO, so that the RINOs and Democrats in congress can refuse to certify the 2024 election claiming that changing presidents when the nation is on war footing would be too dangerous.


I truly believe that the kickbacks happen all the time with every dollar our government sends or spends on these cockamamy things in other countries. There has to be a reason that these SOBs come into office poor and leave as millionaires.


One word for it. TREASON! They must be held accountable those who lined their pockets while compromising our security. You can’t pardon treason.


Burisma Holdings, Ukraine and Biden. just the start of it.


Speaker Johnson and Majority Leader Thune will get right on this. By the way I still have that bridge to sell in the Mojave Desert.

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