Donald Trump Jr. to Law Enforcement Today: "Morons were behind the 'defund the police' movement"

SHOT Show 2024 by is licensed under

Las Vegas, NV: Every year, NSSF, The Firearm Industry Trade Association holds America's largest gun and trade show. Known famously as SHOT Show, the Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show, where thousands of vendors from all over the world showcase their latest and greatest in weapons, equipment, and other technology to the world. 

Advanced AI-integrated drones, .50 cal machine guns equipped with silencers, and the latest virtual reality shooting ranges are just a handful of items and services displayed at SHOT Show 2024, and just a few reasons as to why it's so popular. 

"This was the largest SHOT Show ever, marking the second year of expanded exhibit space at Caesars Forum, in addition to The Venetian Expo. More than 2,500 companies displayed products and services in booths covering more than 816,000 net square feet and attracting attendees from 115 countries and all 50 states," a recent NSSF article said. 

Because of the sheer magnitude of the annual event, it attracts countless high-profile figures from the military, law enforcement, and even political communities.

Law Enforcement Today was there to cover it all, and interview many of them.

We were able to even chat with Donald Trump Jr., who spoke highly of the law enforcement community because he understands how important it is to the health of America.

“I can't think of too many things that are more important than that. We've seen what happens when that goes wrong when, shockingly, defund the police didn't have the results that the morons that actually enacted that stuff thought it would have,” Trump Jr. said to LET in an exclusive statement.

“And so our law enforcement has kept us safe. They're putting their lives on the line to preserve our basic freedoms and liberties and our children. Nothing is more important. We've got to stand by them as we always have.” 

He also discussed how the conservative political community supports law enforcement.

“Well, I don't think we've ever lost law enforcement on our side," he said. "I think we have a chance of giving them and empowering them to do what they need to do to be able to keep ourselves and our communities safe." 

Other High-Profile Figures 

LET was also able to sit down with several other high-profile figures from both the military and law enforcement community. 

-    Tim Kennedy. Tim is an active member of the Army’s Special Forces but is known for much more. He is also a former UFC fighter, a social media influencer, and a staunch supporter of the law enforcement community. 

-    Matt Klein. Matt is a retired NYPD sketch artist, veteran, and entrepreneur. He has helped solve countless high-profile cases in New York City, America’s largest city, aka Gotham.

-    Brad Thomas. Brad is a retired Special Mission Unit member (can’t talk about it stuff) and a current musician with the rock band Silence & Light. He knows how important mental health is among the military and first responder community and helps raise money for various nonprofit organizations. 

-    Ray "Cash" Care. Ray is a former Navy SEAL who has dug himself out of a mental health challenge to become a motivational speaker, social media influencer, and highly successful entrepreneur. He is a strong supporter of the veteran and first responder community and isn’t afraid to say it. 

-    Julie Golob. Julie is a professional shooter and an IPSC World Champion with over 50 world and national titles. If you want to know how to become a world-class shooter, you’ll need to check out this interview. 

-    Bruce Cardenas. Bruce is a former Marine and a 30-year veteran with the LAPD. He has seen and done it all and has incredible stories to tell. 

-    Chris VanSant. Chris is another retired Special Mission Unit member. After a career of virtually nonstop combat missions, he battled with mental health struggles. He eventually found relief and is part of the All-Secure Foundation team.  

Writer Eddie Molina has over 25 years of combined law enforcement and military experience. He is also the owner of the apparel company
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