Mark Fisher, a co-founder of Black Lives Matter (BLM) Rhode Island, told Tuesday's "Wake Up America" on Newsmax that the modern Democratic party has the manipulation of the black community "down to a science."
Newsmax's Rob Finnerty and Allison Maloni welcomed guests Fisher and Ashley Hayek, author of "Beat the Elites," to "Wake Up America," on Tuesday and the conversation turned quickly to Fisher's experience within the black community and whether he is seeing family and friends who have moved with him to a pro-Trump stance.
Finnerty asked Fisher, "Mark, do you have friends? Family members that have sort of evolved to your line of thinking. Maybe they supported Biden three years ago in 2020, But now they're going to vote for Donald Trump or whomever the Republican nominee is in 10 months."
Fisher replied, "That's correct. And um, you know, and it's both. I've got backlash, but I've also got support, and it's going to take education because the Democratic Party has gotten down to a science, um, manipulation of the black community. Um, they pimp out our party using racism because this is a method to detract and deflect attention from their actual racism.
"The Democratic Party and you know, white liberals and black liberals as well are the most racist people in the country."
After speaking briefly with Hayek regarding the breakdown of the Biden administration's support among black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans, Finnerty asked Fisher to respond to a clip about the severe decline Biden has seen in the polls. He asked the BLM activist if Biden could potentially turn around the reversal of fortune or "is this just too late for President Biden?"
"You read my mind that's hysterical," Fisher began. "I mean, if that's the case, I would love him to go ask the people in Chicago what they think or New York or Denver or Los Angeles. How great Biden is doing people from his own party, his own constituents, and they will tell you how they feel shortly and bluntly."
Fisher continued, "So I mean, I don't listen to that. That's all, you know, nonsense and talking points and, you know bullet points. But the truth is the policies that President Trump is offering in the Republican Party are just so much better for black people than the policies these unbridled and duplicitous, you know, policies and talking points that the Democrats continue to come out as well.
"And that's why they're losing traction in our community among blacks, Hispanics, and young people because they're being exposed."
Newsmax's Rob Finnerty and Allison Maloni welcomed guests Fisher and Ashley Hayek, author of "Beat the Elites," to "Wake Up America," on Tuesday and the conversation turned quickly to Fisher's experience within the black community and whether he is seeing family and friends who have moved with him to a pro-Trump stance.
Finnerty asked Fisher, "Mark, do you have friends? Family members that have sort of evolved to your line of thinking. Maybe they supported Biden three years ago in 2020, But now they're going to vote for Donald Trump or whomever the Republican nominee is in 10 months."
Fisher replied, "That's correct. And um, you know, and it's both. I've got backlash, but I've also got support, and it's going to take education because the Democratic Party has gotten down to a science, um, manipulation of the black community. Um, they pimp out our party using racism because this is a method to detract and deflect attention from their actual racism.
"The Democratic Party and you know, white liberals and black liberals as well are the most racist people in the country."
After speaking briefly with Hayek regarding the breakdown of the Biden administration's support among black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans, Finnerty asked Fisher to respond to a clip about the severe decline Biden has seen in the polls. He asked the BLM activist if Biden could potentially turn around the reversal of fortune or "is this just too late for President Biden?"
"You read my mind that's hysterical," Fisher began. "I mean, if that's the case, I would love him to go ask the people in Chicago what they think or New York or Denver or Los Angeles. How great Biden is doing people from his own party, his own constituents, and they will tell you how they feel shortly and bluntly."
Fisher continued, "So I mean, I don't listen to that. That's all, you know, nonsense and talking points and, you know bullet points. But the truth is the policies that President Trump is offering in the Republican Party are just so much better for black people than the policies these unbridled and duplicitous, you know, policies and talking points that the Democrats continue to come out as well.
"And that's why they're losing traction in our community among blacks, Hispanics, and young people because they're being exposed."
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435 days ago | Comment by: Robert
434 days ago | Comment by: Todd
The Democrat Party has been bragging and laughing out loud about doing exactly that for at least 40 years !
434 days ago | Comment by: Laurence
At last! A Black person who has FINALLY recognized how the DemoSocialists have exploited Black voters all these years! I don't see how any intelligent Black person can vote Democratic, in view of what the Demos did in the past, including the creation of the KKK, and the JimCrow laws. Southern Demos voted against the Civil Rights Act. LBJ was a racist who referred to Blacks as n-----s, yet the Blacks voted for him!!