'Border Vets' repair border fence on their own time, sealing gaps where illegal immigrants enter California

BOULEVARD, CA - In the mountains east of San Diego, a group of men who call themselves “Border Vets” have taken it upon themselves to seal a gap in the border barrier where illegals have been entering the U.S. over recent months, News Nation Now reports. 

The men and women spent an afternoon recently “pounding metal stakes into rocks and stringing razor wire,” the outlet reported. 

“It’s really serious for everybody here that we protect our nation,” said Kate Monroe, a retired Marine. “The holes that we can find [in the border wall], we’re going to go ahead and get the razor wire and do our best to defend our country.” 

“Whoever it is you’re waiting to do this for you, they’re not coming,” Monroe continued. “It’s going to be people like us, people like America’s veterans.” 

She said the group does this work regularly and will continue to do so. 

According to Customs and Border Protection, public members are not supposed to “alter, modify, or fix the border barrier,” noting that only Border Patrol agents and contractors are permitted to do so. 

That isn’t dissuading the group, however. Monroe said that despite those regulations, agents they’ve encountered haven’t stopped them from doing so. In fact, she says they appear to be happy to get the help. 

Monroe said nothing is currently interfering with their work but admits that smugglers and criminals will eventually remove their work. 

“That’s not going to stop us or deter us from coming here,” Monroe continued. “If we can stop them for one day, one hour, one week, we’ve stopped more people from coming into our country.” 

Monroe stressed that the Border Vets are not opposed to individuals coming to the U.S. to seek a better life but says they are concerned about the number of single men of “military age who are coming here.” 

“They’re not coming from the other side of the fence, they are flying here from God knows where,” she said. 

She also says she believes most Americans support what they are doing. 

“The sentiment here in San Diego seems to be, ‘Good, I’m glad you’re going out there and getting it done.’” 

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