California congresswoman calls For MASSIVE increase in minimum wage

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SAN FRANCISCO, CA - During the California Senate debate Monday night, the questions presented to the candidates included the notion of increasing the minimum wage, a common talking point among Democrat candidates and voters, but with a twist. These would-be Senators from California were debating the finer points of a $50 minimum wage. 

According to Fox News, Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Lee was asked to defend her proposition for a $50 minimum wage and explain how such an explosive measure could be considered "sustainable."

Lee answered, "In the Bay Area, I believe it was the United Way that came out with a report that very recently $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by. Another survey very recently, $104,000; for a family of one, barely enough to get by, low income because of the affordability crisis."

As noted by KRON4, California is currently home to one of the highest minimum wages in the nation reaching $20/hour as of next year for fast food workers and Washington State has the highest minimum wage out of any state as of 2024 at $16.28/hr. 

Fox News reported that Lee has championed the notion of a $50 minimum wage before, which, for the sake of detail, would amount to approximately $104,000 per year for every entry-level job from grocery baggers to the day one burger flipper at McDonald's.

"Just do the math. Of course, we have national minimum wages that we need to raise to a living wage," Lee claimed. "We’re talking about $20, $25 — fine. But I have got to be focused on what California needs and what the affordability factor is when we calculate this wage."
Republican candidate and former major league baseball star Steve Garvey answered the moderators succinctly telling them that the minimum wage "is where it is and should be."

Garvey continued stressing the repercussions to the economy could result. He said, "If you look at what California has done to fast-food franchises right now, increasing the minimum wage to $20, and what’s going to happen. That’s going to increase costs for hardworking Californians to go to a franchise to get a Big Mac for $9, it’s going to be $15."

Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff, who is also running for the coveted Senate seat of the late Sen. Diane Feinstein criticized Garvey claiming that so many in California are homeless because they are being paid "poverty wages." Schiff continued, "Try to find a house anywhere in California when you’re earning minimum wage. We have to raise people’s incomes."

However, Schiff and Lee's concepts ignore a crucial 2021 Harvard study that demonstrated raising the minimum wage lowers overall compensation for employees. As conservatives and economists have warned for decades, recent experiments in raising the minimums in left-leaning states have led to job losses and an exodus of companies leaving the cities and states impacted.

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Liberals are the most ignorant on the planet. We are in this predicament because of the liberal left. Prices increased because minimum wages were increased, so let’s increase minimum wages again? Can someone please take these people out.


They really think they're smart, let's put more business' out of business because they can't keep enough help. Moron deluxe, everyone of them.


I'll say what I always say. Why stop there? Why not make it a million dollars an hour? Then you can work one day and retire? You can't fix stupid.


Zimbabwe all over again. Look what happened there. Disaster. This Demo bureaucrat obviously has no sense of economics whatever.


Such a huge increase will cause massive inflation and price increases, and will put hundreds of small companies out of business. CA already has one of the worst rates of taxes and inflation, and such an increase will make things worse. The $20 min for fast food works will cause the closure of hundreds of restaurants. Inflation has increased terribly under the Demo Biden administration - we don't need to aggravate the situation.

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